Nämä näyttävät kulkevan TRW:llä nimellä semi-compound disc. Myös tälläisen tekstin löysin näistä eli levyt kestäisivät paremmin lämpölaajentumista ja eivät menisi niin herkästi kieroon. ATE taas mainostaa moisia pienentyvänä jousittamattomana massana. Hellan esitteessä mainitaan että jousittamaton massa pienenee 20% kun levy on teräsvalua, keskiosa alumiinia ja niittaus on tehty ruostumattomilla niiteillä. Ja onhan noista lämmönjohtuminen napaan varmaan myös paremmin estetty. Onko kenelläkään havaintoa mitä BMW on moisista tarinoinut?

TRW Aftermarket has introduced a range of high-performance two-piece (Semi-Compound) brake discs, designed to enhance safety and performance and extend endurance levels in heavier, more powerful vehicles.
This news was announced at this year’s Automechanika, Frankfurt. It further strengthens TRW’s position as the leading supplier of Corner Module (braking, steering & suspension) parts and systems by highlighting its commitment to offering a safer drive across all classes and weight of vehicle.
The initial range of Semi-Compound discs totals 24 part numbers and caters for various BMW models (Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, X5 and X6).
Semi-Compound brake discs consist of a corrosion resistant aluminium hub, joined to the grey cast iron friction ring by special steel pins. This construction allows the heat generated when braking to spread freely, preventing the disc from distorting due to thermal stress.
The use of aluminium also makes the part lighter. This reduces the unsprung mass which decreases fuel consumption and makes the vehicle smoother to drive and easier to handle.

Tämä on ilmeisesti bemarin patentoima juttu ja ilmeisesti myös mersulla on joku vastaavanlainen juttu...
Hellalta lisää aiheesta: https://www.hella.com/techworld/us/T...ke-discs-9820/
ZF/TRW: http://www.catmag.co.uk/trw-launches...nd-brake-discs
textar: https://textar.com/composite-brake-discs/
ate: http://www.ate-brakes.com/products/d...e-brake-discs/
Textar video aiheesta: https://vimeo.com/162375348

TRW Aftermarket has introduced a range of high-performance two-piece (Semi-Compound) brake discs, designed to enhance safety and performance and extend endurance levels in heavier, more powerful vehicles.
This news was announced at this year’s Automechanika, Frankfurt. It further strengthens TRW’s position as the leading supplier of Corner Module (braking, steering & suspension) parts and systems by highlighting its commitment to offering a safer drive across all classes and weight of vehicle.
The initial range of Semi-Compound discs totals 24 part numbers and caters for various BMW models (Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, X5 and X6).
Semi-Compound brake discs consist of a corrosion resistant aluminium hub, joined to the grey cast iron friction ring by special steel pins. This construction allows the heat generated when braking to spread freely, preventing the disc from distorting due to thermal stress.
The use of aluminium also makes the part lighter. This reduces the unsprung mass which decreases fuel consumption and makes the vehicle smoother to drive and easier to handle.

Tämä on ilmeisesti bemarin patentoima juttu ja ilmeisesti myös mersulla on joku vastaavanlainen juttu...
Hellalta lisää aiheesta: https://www.hella.com/techworld/us/T...ke-discs-9820/
ZF/TRW: http://www.catmag.co.uk/trw-launches...nd-brake-discs
textar: https://textar.com/composite-brake-discs/
ate: http://www.ate-brakes.com/products/d...e-brake-discs/
Textar video aiheesta: https://vimeo.com/162375348