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  • Esko
    Bimmer Enthusiast
    • Sep 2002
    • 11707
    • Kouvola

    Originally posted by Juuso Karimo96 View Post
    Sori taas jatkuu OT

    Mutta onko tossa nyt muka kaikki varusteet?
    Kun mulla on tossa kuitenkin manuaalinen ilmastointi, nahat yms. joita tossa ei näy? voihan ne olla jälkiasennettuja tai kuuluuko ne näkyä tossa?
    Noilla kamoilla se on tehtaalta lähteny. Nahkasisusta nyt on helppo vaihtaa jälkikäteen ja miksei manuaali-ilmastointikin.
    Last edited by Esko; 25-03-2014, 17:45.


    • ///Jone
      Bimmer Enthusiast
      • Oct 2009
      • 1289
      • HKI

      Originally posted by Esko View Post
      Noilla kamoilla se on tehtaalta lähteny. Nahkasisusta nyt on helppo vaihtaa jälkikäteen ja miksei manuaali-ilmastointikin.
      Tuo koodi 0394 viittaisi nahkasisustaan, ilmeisesti 90-luvun alussa käytettiin koodeja varustelistassa kertomaan sisustan tyyli:think.

      e34 eri koodien merkitykset
      Model 3

      BMW:t vuodesta 2009:
      i3s, G30 530e M-sport, F20 120d M-sport, 2xE36 M-sport ja M-technic, sekä E46 318i


      • MajorDrake
        Bimmer Enthusiast
        • Apr 2006
        • 7531
        • Jyväshyvä

        Originally posted by ///Jone View Post
        Tuo koodi 0394 viittaisi nahkasisustaan, ilmeisesti 90-luvun alussa käytettiin koodeja varustelistassa kertomaan sisustan tyyli:think.

        Upholstery Code Recoding
        The upholstery code recoding only applies to the 8'E31, 7'E32, 5'E34 and 3'E36 series.

        To search for the information you require, please use the search tool provided by the browser for searching through the contents of a page. This tool is generally found in the Edit menu or can be called up by typing Ctrl+F. For example, enter the known upholstery code in the search dialog box.

        Upholstery Code Description AF Code Available
        S4 Fabric "Space" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )

        0928 Fabric, fl.weave,"Chelsea/Logo"/pacific S4PA From01.01.1983
        0928 Fabric "Space"/panther-black S4PN From01.01.1983
        0936 Fabric, fl.weave,"Chelsea/Logo"/russet S4RU From01.01.1983
        S8 Fabric "Kaleido" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1061 Fabric "Kaleido"/silver-grey S8PV From01.01.1983
        1062 Fabric "Kaleido"/panther-black S8PN From01.01.1983
        1063 Cloth "Kaleido"/tartan-red S8TB From01.01.1983
        T3 Leather soft ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0904 Leather Soft/cosmos-blau T3CO From01.01.1983
        1066 Leather Soft/emerald T3EM From01.01.1983
        1067 Leather Soft/cordoba-beige T3CB From01.01.1983
        L6 Leather, Bison/wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0366 Leather, Bison/wood/black L6SW From01.01.1983
        0455 Leather, Bison/wood/light silver-gray L6SH From01.01.1983
        0456 Leather, Bison/wood/ultramarine L6UL From01.01.1983
        0487 Leather, Bison/wood/silver-gray L6SL From01.01.1983
        A6 Cloth Nylon Flock ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0427 Cloth Nylon Flock/anthracite A6AT From01.01.1983
        0428 Cloth Nylon Flock/silver-grey A6SL From01.01.1983
        0429 Fabric, Nylon Flock/ultramarine A6UL From01.01.1983
        0430 Cloth Nylon Flock/pergament A6PE From01.01.1983
        0431 Cloth Nylon Flock/brasil A6BU From01.01.1983
        G5 Alcantara leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0864 Alcantara leather/gray G5TT From01.01.1983
        0865 Alcantara leather/toskana-grün G5TG From01.01.1983
        0866 Alcantara leather/burgund-rot G5BR From01.01.1983
        0890 Alcantara leather/anthracite G5AT From01.01.1983
        V5 Leather High ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1048 Leather High/black V5SW From01.01.1983
        1049 Leather High/light gelb V5LT From01.01.1983
        1050 Leather High/boston-grün V5BB From01.01.1983To18.01.2001
        M4 Leather Nappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0226 Leather, Nappa/black M4SW From01.01.1983
        0438 Leather, Nappa/light silver-gray M4SH From01.01.1983
        0439 Leather, Nappa/ultramarine M4UL From01.01.1983
        0484 Leather, Nappa/silver-gray M4SL From01.01.1983
        Q7 Leather, Anilin ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0731 Leather Anilin/Walnut Q7SY From01.01.1983
        D9 Cloth flock "Streifen" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0685 Cloth flock "Streifen"/grey D9TT From01.01.1983
        0686 Cloth flock "Streifen"/anthracite D9AT From01.01.1983
        0687 Cloth flock "Streifen"/navy blue D9DL From01.01.1983
        R3 Leather Oregon Point ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0826 Leather, Oregon Point/sand-beige R3SN From01.01.1983
        K2 Imitation leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0191 Vinyl indigo K2IG From01.01.1983
        0192 Vinyl natural K2NR From01.01.1983
        0399 Imitation leather/black K2SW From01.01.1983
        D3 Cloth flock "Streifen" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0587 Cloth flock "Streifen"/anthracite D3AT From01.01.1983
        0588 Cloth flock "Streifen"/grey D3TT From01.01.1983
        0589 Cloth flock "Streifen"/navy blue D3DL From01.01.1983
        0590 Cloth flock "Streifen"/sand-beige D3SN From01.01.1983
        P1 Softleather, root wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0571 100% Leather, Nappa/gray P1TT From01.01.1983
        0572 100% Leather, Nappa/black P1SW From01.01.1983
        0573 100% Leather, Nappa/marine-blau P1DL From01.01.1983
        0574 100% Leather, Nappa/sand-beige P1SN From01.01.1983
        0575 100% Leather, Nappa/lavendel-grau P1MK From01.01.1983
        0576 Soft leather/burlwood/light beige P1SA From01.01.1983
        0798 Soft leather/burr walnut/oyster P1OY From01.01.1983
        0888 Softleather, root wood, sport-rot P1SP From01.01.1983
        0891 Soft leather/crema-schwarz P1CS From01.01.1983
        0892 Soft leather/crema P1CT From01.01.1983
        0893 Soft leather/burr walnut/ecru/dark blue P1EC From01.01.1983
        0894 Soft leather/burr/ever-green unicolor P1EE From01.01.1983
        1022 Soft leather/burrwalnut/smaragd-grün P1SM From01.01.1983To15.01.2001
        1023 Soft leather/burrwalnut/stratos-grau P1SU From01.01.1983To15.01.2001
        D2 Cloth/leather "Millpoint" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0015 Cloth/leather "Millpoint" D2XX From01.01.1983
        0616 Cloth/leather "Millpoint" D2RT From01.01.1983
        0617 Cloth/leather "Millpoint"/grau D2GR From01.01.1983
        0677 Cloth/leather "Millpoint"/blue D2BL From01.01.1983
        0678 Cloth/leather "Millpoint" D2AP From01.01.1983
        R1 Softleather Bubinga ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0793 100% Leather, Nappa/sand-beige R1SN From01.01.1983
        0794 Soft leather/Bubinga/Oyster R1OY From01.01.1983
        F7 Cloth "Pinie" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0827 Fabric "Pinie"/anthracite F7AT From01.01.1983
        0828 Fabric "Pinie"/fun-gelb F7FG From01.01.1983
        0829 Fabric "Pinie"/sand-grau F7BE From01.01.1983
        S6 Cooper S Entry ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0930 Cooper S Entry S6PA From01.01.1983
        0930 Cooper S Entry S6PN From01.01.1983
        0931 Cooper S Entry S6IG From01.01.1983
        K7 Imitation leather "Leatherette" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1014 Imit. leather"Leatherette"/panther-black K7PN From01.01.1983
        F8 Cloth "Ammonit" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0830 Cloth "Ammonit"/stahl-grey F8ST From01.01.1983
        0831 Cloth "Ammonit"/turqu. F8TK From01.01.1983
        0846 Cloth "Ammonit"/anthracite F8AT From01.01.1983
        T4 Leather "Printed/Mansell" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0932 Leather "Printed/Mansell"/emerald T4EM From01.01.1983
        0932 Leather "Printed/Mansell"/russet T4RU From01.01.1983
        C2 Fabric "Rips" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0506 Fabric "Rips"/anthracite C2AT From01.01.1983
        0507 Fabric "Rips"/grau C2TT From01.01.1983
        0508 Fabric "Rips"/sand-beige C2SN From01.01.1983
        0509 Fabric "Rips"/türkis C2TK From01.01.1983
        0510 Fabric "Rips"/klassisch-rot C2GD From01.01.1983
        E4 Flat textile, linen ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0723 Cloth/leather "Gran Turismo"/anthracite E4AT From01.01.1983
        0724 Fabric/leather "Gran Turismo/tief-grün" E4GG From01.01.1983
        1046 Fabric, fl.weave, linen/stahl-blau E4TL From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        G7 Cloth "Laser" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0872 Cloth "Laser"/cappuccino G7CP From01.01.1983
        0899 Cloth "Laser"/anthracite G7AT From01.01.1983
        1035 Cloth "Laser"/red G7RE From01.01.1983
        1036 Cloth "Laser"/blue G7BL From01.01.1983
        1037 Cloth "Laser"/oxford-green G7OG From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        1038 Cloth "Laser"/gendarmerie-blue G7GL From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        K4 Imitation leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0688 Imitation leather/black K4SW From01.01.1983
        0689 Vinyl sand-beige K4SN From01.01.1983
        0760 Vinyl light beige 2 K4HC From01.01.1983
        0808 Vinyl gray K4TT From01.01.1983
        E6 Cloth "High Tex" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0726 Cloth "High Tex"/techno-grey E6TF From01.01.1983
        0727 Cloth "High Tex"/hell-beige 2 E6HC From01.01.1983
        0871 Cloth "High Tex"/anthracite E6AT From01.01.1983
        0872 Cloth "High Tex"/zinnober-red E6ZI From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        H5 Cloth "New Mind" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0966 Fabric "New Mind"/anthracite H5AT From01.01.1983
        0967 Fabric "New Mind"/mojave-braun H5BA From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        0968 Fabric "New Mind"/flanell-grau H5FA From01.01.1983
        0969 Fabric "New Mind"/karibic-blau H5KB From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        0970 Fabric "New Mind"/nacht-blau H5SF From01.01.1983
        V1 All leather "Ambiente" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0995 All leather "Ambiente", anthracite-grey V1AG From01.01.1983
        0996 All leather "Ambiente", sand-beige V1SN From01.01.1983
        0997 All leather "Ambiente", morello V1MO From01.01.1983
        M9 100% Leather Buffalo ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0442 Leather Buffalo/anthracite M9AT From01.01.1983
        0443 100% Leather Buffalo/brasil M9BU From01.01.1983
        C1 Cloth/leather flat textile ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0511 Fabric/leather flat-weave/anthracite C1AT From01.01.1983
        0512 Fabric/leather flat weave/türkis C1TK From01.01.1983
        0513 Fabric/leather flat weave/klassisch-rot C1GD From01.01.1983
        0740 Fabric/leather flat weave/gray C1TT From01.01.1983
        9999 Fabric/leather flatweave/unspec. color C1XX From01.01.1983
        D5 Fabric, flat "Punkte" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0648 Fabric, fl.weave,"Punkte"/anthracite D5AT From01.01.1983
        0649 Fabric, fl.weave,"Punkte"/aqua-blau D5AQ From01.01.1983
        0650 Fabric, fl.weave,"Punkte"/terracotta D5TC From01.01.1983
        A7 Fabric, velours ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0422 Fabric, velours/anthracite A7AT From01.01.1983
        0423 Fabric, velours/silver-gray A7SL From01.01.1983
        0424 Fabric, velours/ultramarine A7UL From01.01.1983
        0425 Fabric, velours/pergament A7PE From01.01.1983
        0426 Fabric, velours/Brazil A7BU From01.01.1983
        C7 Cloth/leather "Bambus" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0610 Cloth/leather "Bambus"/anthracite C7AT From01.01.1983
        0611 Cloth/leather "Bambus"/leucht-grün C7AO From01.01.1983
        0612 Cloth/leather "Bambus"/red C7RE From01.01.1983
        0767 Cloth/leather "Bambus"/klassisch-red C7GD From01.01.1983
        0768 Cloth/leather "Bambus"/klassisch-blue C7KU From01.01.1983
        F3 Flat textile, light points ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0776 Fabric, fl.weave, light dots/anthracite F3AT From01.01.1983
        0777 Fabric, fl.weave, light dots/gray F3TT From01.01.1983
        0778 Fabric, fl.weave, light dots/terracotta F3TC From01.01.1983
        F9 Cloth "High Tex" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0832 Cloth "High Tex"/titan-silver F9TS From01.01.1983
        R8 Leather Classic, extended ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0886 Leather Classic expanded/black R8SW From01.01.1983
        0887 Leather Classic expanded/impala-braun R8CP From01.01.1983
        1030 Leather Classic expanded/sand-beige R8SN From01.01.1983
        P3 Buffalo leather, root wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0578 100% Leather Buffalo/anthracite P3AT From01.01.1983
        B4 Cloth "Amaretta" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0006 Cloth "Amaretta"/without colour specific B4XX From01.01.1983
        0470 Cloth "Amaretta"/anthrazit B4AT From01.01.1983
        0472 Cloth "Amaretta"/silver-grey B4SL From01.01.1983
        0635 Cloth "Amaretta"/red B4RT From01.01.1983
        0640 Cloth "Amaretta"/grau B4TT From01.01.1983
        K1 Imitation leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0477 Imitation leather/black K1SW From01.01.1983
        0478 Vinyl ultramarine K1UL From01.01.1983
        0479 Vinyl parchment K1PE From01.01.1983
        0521 Vinyl sand-beige K1SN From01.01.1983
        R2 Softleather, root wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0796 100% Leather, Nappa/sand-beige R2SN From01.01.1983
        0797 Soft leather/burr walnut/oyster R2OY From01.01.1983
        L7 All leather Nappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0003 Leather, extended Nappa/no color given L7XX From01.01.1983
        0312 Leather nappa extended/champagner L7CM From01.01.1983
        0318 Leather nappa extended/black L7SW From01.01.1983
        0319 Leather nappa extended/silver L7SI From01.01.1983
        0320 Leather nappa extended/natur L7NR From01.01.1983
        0417 Leather nappa extended/silver-grey L7SH From01.01.1983
        0462 Leather nappa extended/lotos-white L7LO From01.01.1983
        0469 Leather nappa extended/ultramarin L7UL From01.01.1983
        0473 Leather nappa extended/silver-grey L7SL From01.01.1983
        0474 Leather nappa extended/pergament L7PE From01.01.1983
        0596 Leather nappa extended/red L7RT From01.01.1983
        0597 Leather nappa extended/violet L7VI From01.01.1983
        0598 Leather nappa extended/blue L7BL From01.01.1983
        0619 Leather nappa extended/haselnuss L7HS From01.01.1983
        0622 Leather nappa extended/mint L7AP From01.01.1983
        0623 Leather nappa extended/dark-red L7DD From01.01.1983
        0636 Leather nappa extended/grey L7TT From01.01.1983
        0637 Leather nappa extended/sand-beige L7SN From01.01.1983
        0638 Leather nappa extended/klassisch-red L7GD From01.01.1983
        0639 Leather nappa extended/blue-violet L7MA From01.01.1983
        0659 Leather nappa extended/sand-grey L7BE From01.01.1983
        0675 Leather nappa extended/maulbeere L7MQ From01.01.1983
        0676 Leather nappa extended/denim L7DM From01.01.1983
        0682 Leather nappa extended/modena L7AY From01.01.1983
        0683 Leather nappa extended/magma L7AX From01.01.1983
        0913 Leather nappa extended/ecru/dark-blau L7EC From01.01.1983
        0914 Leather nappa extend./ever-green Unilack L7EE From01.01.1983
        0962 Leather nappa extended/lachs-silver L7LS From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        0963 Leather nappa extended/imola-red L7IM From01.01.1983
        0964 Leather nappa extended/kiwi L7OV From01.01.1983
        0965 Leather nappa extended/cinnamon L7ZM From01.01.1983
        N1 Leather, Nappa Colorline ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0488 Leather, Nappa Colorline/barbados-grün N1BD From01.01.1983
        0489 Leather, Nappa Colorline/tobago-blau N1TA From01.01.1983
        0490 Leather, Nappa Colorline/calypso-rot N1CL From01.01.1983
        Q9 Leather, mosaic/walknappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0751 Leather Mosaico expanded/black Q9SW From01.01.1983
        0752 Leather Mosaico expanded/light beige Q9HC From01.01.1983
        0753 Leather Mosaico expanded/lightgelb Q9LT From01.01.1983
        Q5 100% Leather, Oregon/Int. beige ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0699 100% Leath.,Oregon/Int.beige/sand-beige Q5SN From01.01.1983
        0737 100% Leather, Oregon/Int.beige/black Q5SW From01.01.1983
        0738 100% Leath., Oregon/Int.beige/moos-grün Q5CA From01.01.1983
        0739 100% Leather, Oregon/Int.beige/violet Q5VI From01.01.1983
        0840 100% Lther, Oregon/Int.beige/sand-grau Q5BE From01.01.1983
        0841 100% Lther, Oregon/Int.beige/leucht-rot Q5LR From01.01.1983To16.01.2001
        0842 100%Lther,Oregon/Int.beige/montreal-blau Q5MB From01.01.1983
        0878 100% Lther, Oregon/Int.beige/tanin-rot Q5TD From01.01.1983
        B3 Fabric Plaid II ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0379 Fabric, Überkaro II/anthracite B3AT From01.01.1983
        0380 Fabric, Überkaro II/silver B3SI From01.01.1983
        0381 Fabric, Überkaro II/indigo B3IG From01.01.1983
        0382 Fabric, Überkaro II/natur B3NR From01.01.1983
        U2 Leather "Oxford" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0919 Leather "Oxford"/avus-schwarz U2AS From01.01.1983
        0920 Leather "Oxford"/jet&charcoal U2JC From01.01.1983
        0921 Leather "Oxford"/jet&sand U2JS From01.01.1983
        0922 Leather "Oxford"/navy&parchment U2NP From01.01.1983
        1008 Leather "Oxford"/navarra-violett U2AA From01.01.1983
        1009 Leather "Oxford"/perl-silber U2PS From01.01.1983
        U6 Leather "Nasca" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0971 Leather "Nasca"/black U6SW From01.01.1983
        0972 Leather "Nasca"/beige U6BA From01.01.1983
        0973 Leather "Nasca"/flanell-grau U6FA From01.01.1983
        0974 Leather "Nasca"/green U6GU From01.01.1983
        0975 Leather "Nasca"/nacht-blau U6SF From01.01.1983
        0976 Leather "Nasca"/natural brown U6NG From01.01.1983
        0977 Leather "Nasca"/stone-green U6GN From01.01.1983
        0978 Leather "Nasca"/cream-beige U6GE From01.01.1983
        M1 All leather Nappa Heritage ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0323 100% Leather,Nappa Heritage/karmesin-rot M1KM From01.01.1983
        0434 100% Leather, Nappa Heritage/parchment M1PE From01.01.1983
        0435 100% Leather, Nappa Heritage/Brazil M1BU From01.01.1983
        0437 100% Leath.,Nappa Heritage/pergam.light M1PH From01.01.1983
        0821 100% Leath,Nappa Heritage/englisch-grün M1EG From01.01.1983
        0822 100% Leather, Nappa Heritage/black M1SW From01.01.1983
        0823 100% Leather, Nappa Heritage/caramel M1CR From01.01.1983
        0824 100% Leather, Nappa Heritage/kirsch-rot M1IM From01.01.1983
        0910 100% Lther, Nappa Heritage/lachs-silber M1LS From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        0911 100% Leather, Nappa Heritage/olivin-grün M1OV From01.01.1983
        0912 100% Leather, Nappa Heritage/zimt M1ZM From01.01.1983
        M5 Leather Nappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0351 Leather, Nappa/silver-gray M5SL From01.01.1983
        0352 Leather, Nappa/silver-gray with black M5SC From01.01.1983
        0353 Leather, Nappa/light silver-gray M5SH From01.01.1983
        0354 Leath., Nappa/light silver-gray w. black M5SD From01.01.1983
        0355 Leather, Nappa/ultramarine M5UL From01.01.1983
        0356 Leather, Nappa/parchment M5PE From01.01.1983
        0357 Leather, Nappa/parchment with Brazil M5PC From01.01.1983
        0358 Leather, Nappa/light parchment M5PH From01.01.1983
        0359 Lther, Nappa/light parchm. with Brazil M5PD From01.01.1983
        0360 Leather, Nappa/Brazil M5BU From01.01.1983
        0361 Leather, Nappa/karmesin-rot M5KM From01.01.1983
        0525 Leather, Nappa/black M5SW From01.01.1983
        P5 Softleather, root wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0583 100% Leather, Nappa/gray P5TT From01.01.1983
        0584 100% Leather, Nappa/black P5SW From01.01.1983
        0585 100% Leather, Nappa/englisch-grün P5EG From01.01.1983
        0586 100% Leather, Nappa/pastell-grün P5SK From01.01.1983
        R6 Leather Oregon, extended Point ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0882 Leather, Oregon Point expanded/black R6SW From01.01.1983
        0883 Leath., Oregon Point expand./sand-beige R6SN From01.01.1983
        P2 Buffalo leather/Bubinga ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0577 100% Leather Buffalo/anthracite P2AT From01.01.1983
        Z9 without upholstery ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0000 no upholstery/no color given Z9XX From01.01.1983
        R9 All leather "Club" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0991 100% Leather "Club"/black R9SW From01.01.1983
        0992 Leather Anilin/gray R9GR From01.01.1983
        0992 100% Leather "Club"/gray R9TT From01.01.1983
        0993 100% Leather "Club"/sand-beige R9SN From01.01.1983
        0994 100% Leather "Club"/ozean-blau R9OZ From01.01.1983
        Z1 special trim ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        9990 special trim (without colour statement) Z1XX From01.01.1983
        XX without equipment ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        2519 no equipment/no color given XXXX From01.01.1983
        L5 Leather, Bison/wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0369 Leather, Bison/wood/karmesin-rot L5KM From01.01.1983
        0457 Leather, Bison/wood/parchment L5PE From01.01.1983
        N9 Softleather Bubinga ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0565 100% Leather, Nappa/gray N9TT From01.01.1983
        0566 100% Leather, Nappa/black N9SW From01.01.1983
        0567 100% Leather, Nappa/marine-blau N9DL From01.01.1983
        0568 100% Leather, Nappa/sand-beige N9SN From01.01.1983
        0569 100% Leather, Nappa/lavendel-grau N9MK From01.01.1983
        0570 Soft leather/Bubinga/light beige N9SA From01.01.1983
        0795 Soft leather/Bubinga/Oyster N9OY From01.01.1983
        0856 Soft leather/Bubinga/nautic-grün N9NG From01.01.1983To11.01.2001
        Z2 Kindersitz Audi ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0005 Kindersitz Audi/schwarz Z2SW From01.01.1983
        0007 Kindersitz Audi/braun Z2BN From01.01.1983
        0010 Kindersitz Audi/ohne Farbangabe Z2XX From01.01.1983
        0073 Kindersitz Audi/pinien-grün Z2PG From01.01.1983
        0082 Kindersitz Audi/marine-blau Z2DL From01.01.1983
        0084 Kindersitz Audi/hellgrau Z2HG From01.01.1983
        0096 Kindersitz Audi/anthrazit Z2AT From01.01.1983
        0097 Kindersitz Audi/pacific Z2PA From01.01.1983
        0106 Kindersitz Audi/mocca Z2MZ From01.01.1983
        0107 Kindersitz Audi/pergament Z2PE From01.01.1983
        0111 Kindersitz Audi/gobi-beige Z2GB From01.01.1983
        0128 Kindersitz Audi/cherry Z2CE From01.01.1983
        0147 Kindersitz Audi/nutria Z2NU From01.01.1983
        0148 Kindersitz Audi/perl-beige Z2PL From01.01.1983
        0163 Kindersitz Audi/british-racing-green Z2BC From01.01.1983
        0163 Kindersitz Audi/berber-beige Z2BJ From01.01.1983
        0197 Kindersitz Audi/oyster Z2OY From01.01.1983
        0198 Kindersitz Audi/silber Z2SI From01.01.1983
        0199 Kindersitz Audi/lotos-weiss Z2LO From01.01.1983
        0208 Kindersitz Audi/taurus-rot Z2TR From01.01.1983
        0209 Kindersitz Audi/lama Z2LM From01.01.1983
        0218 Kindersitz Audi/indigo Z2IG From01.01.1983
        0219 Kindersitz Audi/havanna Z2HB From01.01.1983
        0220 Kindersitz Audi/antilope Z2AJ From01.01.1983
        0238 Kindersitz Audi/saddle tan Z2ZA From01.01.1983
        0239 Kindersitz Audi/cardinal-rot Z2CF From01.01.1983
        0307 Kindersitz Audi/natur Z2NR From01.01.1983
        0322 Kindersitz Audi/siam-grau Z2ZG From01.01.1983
        0329 Kindersitz Audi/karmesin-rot Z2KM From01.01.1983
        0389 Kindersitz Audi/silber-grau Z2SL From01.01.1983
        0390 Kindersitz Audi/ultramarin Z2UL From01.01.1983
        0392 Kindersitz Audi/brasil Z2BF From01.01.1983
        0461 Kindersitz Audi/rot Z2RT From01.01.1983
        B2 Cloth flock "Diagonal" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0269 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/anthracite B2AT From01.01.1983
        0270 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/silver B2SI From01.01.1983
        0271 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/indigo B2IG From01.01.1983
        0273 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/natur B2NR From01.01.1983
        E2 Fabric, Jacquard/ ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0713 Fab. Jacquard/ E2AT From01.01.1983
        0714 Fabric Jacquard/ E2BE From01.01.1983
        0715 Fabric Jacquard/önigs-blau E2KU From01.01.1983
        0716 Fabric Jacquard/ E2GD From01.01.1983
        0716 Fabric Jacquard/ E2MP From01.01.1983
        G4 Alcantara leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0861 Alcantara leather/gray G4TT From01.01.1983
        0862 Alcantara leather/toskana-grün G4TG From01.01.1983
        0863 Alcantara leather/burgund-rot G4BR From01.01.1983
        0889 Alcantara leather/anthracite G4AT From01.01.1983
        E8 Flat textile ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0749 Fabric, fl.weave,open rhombus/peach E8PP From01.01.1983
        0879 Fabric,fl.weave,open rhombus/anthracite E8AT From01.01.1983
        0880 Fabric, fl.weave,open rhombus/top-rot E8TO From01.01.1983
        0880 Fabric, fl.weave,open rhombus/gray E8TT From01.01.1983
        O6 Embossed leather, Strauss-Volleder ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0817 Emb.lther "Strauss"/100% Lther/black O6SW From01.01.1983
        0818 Emb.lther"Strauss"/100% Lthr/silverstone O6SS From01.01.1983
        0819 Emb.leath"Strauss"/100% Lther/le mans bl O6LB From01.01.1983
        0820 Emb.leath."Strauss"/100% Lther/imola-rot O6IM From01.01.1983
        H4 Cloth/imitation leather "Asia" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0946 Fabric/imit.leather"California"/anthrac. H4AT From01.01.1983
        0947 Fabric, vinyl, "Asia"/gray H4TT From01.01.1983
        0948 Cloth/vinyl "California/lavanda" H4SE From01.01.1983
        0949 Fabric, vinyl, "Asia"/orange/dark H4OD From01.01.1983
        0957 Cloth/vinyl "California/orange" H4PP From01.01.1983
        K5 Imitation leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0734 Imitation leather/black K5SW From01.01.1983
        0735 Vinyl light sand-grau K5BH From01.01.1983
        G2 Cloth "Op Art" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0836 Fabric "Op Art"/anthracite G2AT From01.01.1983
        0837 Fabric "Op Art"/light red G2OS From01.01.1983
        U1 Leather L30 ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0915 Leather L30 U1AS From01.01.1983
        0916 Leather L30 U1JS From01.01.1983
        0917 Leather L30 U1JC From01.01.1983
        0918 Leather L30 U1NP From01.01.1983
        1006 Leather L30 U1AA From01.01.1983
        1007 Leather L30 U1PS From01.01.1983
        B7 Fabric, woolen velours/Vavona wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0532 Fabric, wool velours/Vavona/gray B7TT From01.01.1983
        0533 Fabric, wool velours/Vavona/anthracite B7AT From01.01.1983
        0534 Fabric, wool velours/Vavona/marine-blau B7DL From01.01.1983
        0535 Fabric, wool velours/Vavona/sand-beige B7SN From01.01.1983
        0536 Fabric, wool vel./Vavona/lavendel-grau B7MK From01.01.1983
        0603 Fabric, wool velours/Vavona/meer-grün B7SX From01.01.1983
        F4 Diagonal rep cloth ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0779 Fabric Rips diagonal/anthracite F4AT From01.01.1983
        0780 Fabric Rips diagonal/gray F4TT From01.01.1983
        0781 Fabric Rips diagonal/marine-blau F4DL From01.01.1983
        0800 Fabric Rips diagonal/sienarot F4SR From01.01.1983
        0857 Fabric Rips diagonal/burgund-rot F4BR From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        0857 Fabric Rips diagonal/stahl-grau F4ST From01.01.1983
        0900 Fabric Rips diagonal/englisch-grün F4EG From01.01.1983
        R7 Leather Classic ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0884 Leather Classic/black R7SW From01.01.1983
        0885 Leather Classic/impala-braun R7CP From01.01.1983
        1029 Leather Classic/sand-beige R7SN From01.01.1983
        L9 Leather Nappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0008 Leather, Nappa/no color given L9XX From01.01.1983
        0526 Leather, Nappa/black L9SW From01.01.1983
        0527 Leather, Nappa/light silver-gray L9SH From01.01.1983
        0748 Leather, Nappa/creme-weiss L9CW From01.01.1983
        0763 Leather, Nappa/cassis L9CG From01.01.1983
        M6 Buffalo leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0009 Leather Buffalo/no color given M6XX From01.01.1983
        0180 Leather Buffalo/anthracite M6AT From01.01.1983
        0362 Leather Buffalo/Brazil M6BU From01.01.1983
        F5 Diagonal rep cloth ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0782 Fabric Rips diagonal/anthracite F5AT From01.01.1983
        0783 Fabric Rips diagonal/gray F5TT From01.01.1983
        0784 Fabric Rips diagonal/marine-blau F5DL From01.01.1983
        B6 Cloth flock Velours ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0528 Cloth flock Velours/grey B6TT From01.01.1983
        0529 Cloth flock Velours /anthracite B6AT From01.01.1983
        0530 Cloth flock Velours/marine-blue B6DL From01.01.1983
        0531 Cloth flock Velours/sand-beige B6SN From01.01.1983
        T7 MINI Entry ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0933 MINI Entry T7LP From01.01.1983
        H7 Cloth/leather "Bianco-Nero" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1001 Cloth/leather "Bianco-Nero"/anthracite/w H7BC From01.01.1983
        Q8 Leather Walknappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0741 Leather Walknappa/black Q8SW From01.01.1983
        0742 Leather, Walknappa/tanin-rot Q8TD From01.01.1983
        0743 Leather, Walknappa/sand-beige Q8SN From01.01.1983
        0805 Leather, Walknappa/walnut Q8SY From01.01.1983
        0998 Leather, Walknappa/topas-blau Q8PB From01.01.1983
        1058 Leather, Walknappa/stahl-blau Q8TL From01.01.1983To16.01.2001
        A5 Cloth flock Velours "Carre" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0346 Cloth flock Velours "Carre"/anthracite A5AT From01.01.1983
        0347 Cloth flock Velours "Carre"/silver-grey A5SL From01.01.1983
        0348 Cloth flock Velours "Carre"/ultramarin A5UL From01.01.1983
        0349 Cloth flock Velours "Carre"/pergament A5PE From01.01.1983
        0350 Cloth flock Velours "Carre"/brasil A5BU From01.01.1983
        Q1 Leather, Montana/Int.sandgrau ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0632 Leather, Montana/Int.sand-grau/black Q1SW From01.01.1983
        0633 Leather, Montana/Int.sandgrau/sand-grau Q1BH From01.01.1983
        0634 Leather, Montana/Int.sand-grau/violet Q1NY From01.01.1983
        F2 Leather Alcantara M-Textur ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0775 Leather M-texture/Alcantara/anthrazit F2AT From01.01.1983
        1068 Lther M-Texture/Alcantara/samt-violett F2SV From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        1069 Leather M-Texture/Alcantara/black/rot F2RS From01.01.1983
        Q2 Leather, Oregon/Int. black ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0651 Leather, Oregon/ Q2SW From01.01.1983
        0652 Leather, Oregon/ Q2VI From01.01.1983
        0653 Leather, Oregon/ün Q2CA From01.01.1983
        0654 Leather, Oregon/ Q2TD From01.01.1983
        0655 Leather, Oregon/ Q2SN From01.01.1983
        0862 Leather, Oregon/ Q2PB From01.01.1983
        O9 Leather Montana with M stripes ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0799 Leather, Montana with M-stripes/black O9SW From01.01.1983
        L2 Leather Bison ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0203 Leather, Bison/black L2SW From01.01.1983
        0292 Leather, Bison/silver L2SI From01.01.1983
        0293 Leather, Bison/indigo L2IG From01.01.1983
        0295 Leather, Bison/natural L2NR From01.01.1983
        0394 Leather, Bison/light silver-gray L2SH From01.01.1983
        0395 Leather, Bison/ultramarine L2UL From01.01.1983
        0483 Leather, Bison/silver-gray L2SL From01.01.1983
        0690 Leather, Bison/dark L2DU From01.01.1983
        0691 Leather, Bison/light L2HL From01.01.1983
        0692 Leather, Bison/petrol L2PT From01.01.1983
        0693 Leather, Bison/gray L2GR From01.01.1983
        B1 Cloth flock "Travers" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0274 Cloth flock "Travers"/anthracite B1AT From01.01.1983
        0275 Cloth flock "Travers"/silver B1SI From01.01.1983
        0276 Cloth flock "Travers"/indigo B1IG From01.01.1983
        0278 Cloth flock "Travers"/natur B1NR From01.01.1983
        R4 Leather of high quality ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0873 Leather high-quality/black R4SW From01.01.1983
        0874 Leather high-quality/light beige 2 R4HC From01.01.1983
        0875 Leather high-quality/pastell-grün R4SK From01.01.1983
        M7 Buffalo leather, extended ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0002 Leather Buffalo expanded/no color given M7XX From01.01.1983
        0418 Leather Buffalo expanded/anthracite M7AT From01.01.1983
        U7 All leather "Club" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0979 100% Leather "Club"/black U7SW From01.01.1983
        0980 All leather "Club", beige 3 U7BA From01.01.1983
        0981 100% Leather "Club"/flanellgrau U7FA From01.01.1983
        0982 100% Leather "Club"/boston-grün U7BB From01.01.1983
        0983 100% Leather "Club"/nautic-grün U7NG From01.01.1983
        0984 100% Leather "Club"/granit-silber U7GN From01.01.1983
        0985 100% Leather "Club"/cream-beige U7GE From01.01.1983
        L3 Leather, Bison/wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0453 Leather, Bison/wood/parchment L3PE From01.01.1983
        0701 Leather, Bison/wood/Mexico-grün L3MX From01.01.1983
        O3 Embossed leather, Cobra ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0763 Embossed leather "Cobra"/cassis O3CG From01.01.1983
        0764 Embossed leather "Cobra"/black O3SW From01.01.1983
        S7 Fabric "Aqua" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1044 Fabric "Aqua"/silver-grey S7PV From01.01.1983
        1045 Fabric "Aqua"/panther-black S7PN From01.01.1983
        T2 Leather "Gravity" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0903 Leather "Natural"/emerald-green T2EM From01.01.1983
        H3 Cloth/leather "Europe" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0941 Fabric/leather "Monza/anthracite" H3AT From01.01.1983
        0942 Fabric/leather "Monza"/gray H3TT From01.01.1983
        0943 Cloth/leather "Europe"/topasblau H3TO From01.01.1983
        0944 Cloth/leather "Monza/pistazie" H3PI From01.01.1983
        O1 Leather, Anilin ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0747 Leather Anilin/Walnut O1SY From01.01.1983
        J2 Cloth/leather "New Comfort" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1044 Fabric/leather "New Comfort"/anthracite J2AT From01.01.1983
        1045 Fab./leather "New Comfort"/light-beige 2 J2HC From01.01.1983
        E9 Cloth/leather "Maglia" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0750 Cloth/leather "Maglia"/hell-beige 2 E9HC From01.01.1983
        1057 Cloth/leather "Maglia"/anthrazit E9AT From01.01.1983
        N7 Standard leather, bicolor montana ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0774 Leather, Montana bicolor/englisch-grün N7EG From01.01.1983
        A9 Cloth "Hurrican" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0475 Cloth "Hurrican"/anthracite A9AT From01.01.1983
        0476 Cloth "Hurrican"/silver-grey A9SL From01.01.1983
        C3 Cloth flock "Pique" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0503 Cloth flock "Pique"/anthracite C3AT From01.01.1983
        0504 Cloth flock "Pique"/grey C3TT From01.01.1983
        0505 Cloth flock "Pique"/sand-beige C3SN From01.01.1983
        C4 Fabric wool velours ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0546 Fabric, wool velours/anthracite C4AT From01.01.1983
        0547 Fabric, wool velours/gray C4TT From01.01.1983
        0548 Fabric, wool velours/sand-beige C4SN From01.01.1983
        0549 Fabric, wool velours/blue-violet C4MA From01.01.1983
        S5 Fabric/leather "Kaleido" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0929 Fabric/leather "Kaleido"/pacific S5PA From01.01.1983
        0929 Fabric/leather "Kaleido"/panther-black S5PN From01.01.1983
        0929 Fabric/leather "Kaleido"/silber S5SI From01.01.1983
        0956 Fabric/leather "Kaleido"/tartan-red S5TB From01.01.1983
        L1 Leather Bison ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0324 Leather, Bison/karmesin-rot L1KM From01.01.1983
        0396 Leather, Bison/parchment L1PE From01.01.1983
        0397 Leather, Bison/Brazil L1BU From01.01.1983
        M2 All leather Nappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0232 100% Leather, Nappa/black M2SW From01.01.1983
        0433 100% Leather, Nappa/ultramarine M2UL From01.01.1983
        0436 100% Leather, Nappa/light silver-gray M2SH From01.01.1983
        0485 100% Leather, Nappa/silver-gray M2SL From01.01.1983
        0670 100% Leather, Nappa/blue-violet M2MA From01.01.1983
        0671 100% Leather, Nappa/klassisch-rot M2GD From01.01.1983
        0673 100% Leather, Nappa/haselnuss M2HS From01.01.1983
        0674 100% Leather, Nappa/champagne M2CM From01.01.1983
        0761 100% Leather, Nappa/maulbeere M2MQ From01.01.1983
        S9 Fabric/leather "Satellite" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0955 MINI Entry S9JC From01.01.1983
        1003 MINI Entry S9AS From01.01.1983
        1004 MINI Entry S9JS From01.01.1983
        1005 MINI Entry S9NP From01.01.1983
        1064 MINI Entry S9TB From01.01.1983
        1065 Fabric/leather "Satellite"/panther-black S9PN From01.01.1983
        Z6 Kindersitz VW ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0014 Kindersitz VW/ohne Farbangabe Z6XX From01.01.1983
        0301 Kindersitz VW/siam-grau Z6ZG From01.01.1983
        0302 Kindersitz VW/havanna Z6HB From01.01.1983
        S1 Flat textile, "Chelsea/Birch" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0895 Fabric, fl.weave,"Chelsea/Birch"/indigo S1IG From01.01.1983
        0950 Fabric, fl.,"Chelsea/Birch"/black panth S1PN From01.01.1983
        N4 Partial leather Nappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0495 Part-leather, Nappa/black N4SW From01.01.1983
        0496 Part-leather, Nappa/silver-gray N4SL From01.01.1983
        0497 Part-leather, Nappa/light silver-gray N4SH From01.01.1983
        0498 Part-leather, Nappa/lotos-weiss N4LO From01.01.1983
        0736 Part-leather, Nappa/gray N4TT From01.01.1983
        Q4 100% Leather, Oregon/Int. black ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0694 100% Leath., Oregon/ün Q4CA From01.01.1983
        0695 100% Leath.,Oregon/ Q4SN From01.01.1983
        0696 100% Leather, Oregon/ Q4SW From01.01.1983
        0697 100% Leath., Oregon/ Q4TD From01.01.1983
        0698 100% Leather, Oregon/ Q4VI From01.01.1983
        0838 100% Lther,Oregon/ Q4LR From01.01.1983To16.01.2001
        0839 100%Lther,Oregon/ Q4MB From01.01.1983
        0861 100% Lther, Oregon/ Q4PB From01.01.1983
        A2 Cloth flock "Diagonal" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0411 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/anthracite A2AT From01.01.1983
        0412 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/silver-grey A2SL From01.01.1983
        0413 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/ultramarin A2UL From01.01.1983
        0414 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/pergament A2PE From01.01.1983
        0415 Cloth flock "Diagonal"/brasil A2BU From01.01.1983
        D4 Fabric, flat "Rattan" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0599 Fabric, fl.weave,"Rattan"/anthracite D4AT From01.01.1983
        0600 Fabric, fl.weave,"Rattan"/gray D4TT From01.01.1983
        0601 Fabric, fl.weave,"Rattan"/dark green 2 D4DF From01.01.1983
        0601 Fabric, fl.weave,"Rattan"/englisch-grün D4EG From01.01.1983
        0602 Fabric, fl.weave,"Rattan"/königs-blau D4KU From01.01.1983
        D8 Fabric, "M-Cross/Amaretta" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0679 Fabric "M-Cross/Amaretta"/anthracite D8AT From01.01.1983
        0680 Fabric "M-Cross/Amaretta"/gray D8TT From01.01.1983
        E1 Fabric,Jacquard /Int.sand-grau ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0709 Fab. Jacquard /Int.sand-grau/anthracite E1AT From01.01.1983
        0710 Fab. Jacquard /Int.sand-grau/sand-grau E1BE From01.01.1983
        0711 Fab.Jacquard /Int.sand-grau/königsblau E1KU From01.01.1983
        0712 Fab.Jacquard /Int.sand-grau/karmin-rot E1MP From01.01.1983
        G8 Cloth "Impuls" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0905 Cloth "Impuls"/anthracite G8AT From01.01.1983
        M8 Leather, Buffalo/wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0459 Leather Buffalo/wood/anthracite M8AT From01.01.1983
        N8 Standard leather, root wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0560 Leather, Montana/gray N8TT From01.01.1983
        0561 Leather, Montana/black N8SW From01.01.1983
        0562 Leather, Montana/marineblau N8DL From01.01.1983
        0563 Leather, Montana/sandbeige N8SN From01.01.1983
        0564 Leather, Montana/lavendelgrau N8MK From01.01.1983
        0722 Leather, Montana/englisch-grün N8EG From01.01.1983
        0790 Standard leather/burr walnut/Oyster N8OY From01.01.1983
        0792 Standard leather/burr walnut/Whiskey N8WY From01.01.1983
        B8 Fabric, woolen velours/Woodgrain ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0537 Fabric, wool velours/burr walnut/gray B8TT From01.01.1983
        0538 Fabric, wool vel./burr waln./anthracite B8AT From01.01.1983
        0539 Fabric,wool vel./burr waln./marine-blau B8DL From01.01.1983
        0540 Fabric, wool vel./burr waln./sand-beige B8SN From01.01.1983
        0541 Fabric, wool vel./burr walnut/lav.-grau B8MK From01.01.1983
        P9 Leather, Montana/ ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0629 Leather, Montana/ P9SW From01.01.1983
        0630 Leath, Montana/ light P9BH From01.01.1983
        0631 Leather, Montana/ P9NY From01.01.1983
        0772 Leather, Montana/ P9ND From01.01.1983
        0773 Leather, Montana/önigsblau P9KU From01.01.1983
        Z5 Kindersitz Mercedes ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0013 Kindersitz Mercedes/ohne Farbangabe Z5XX From01.01.1983
        0233 Kindersitz Mercedes/silber Z5SI From01.01.1983
        0297 Kindersitz Mercedes/siam-grau Z5ZG From01.01.1983
        0298 Kindersitz Mercedes/havanna Z5HB From01.01.1983
        0304 Kindersitz Mercedes/anthrazit Z5AT From01.01.1983
        V4 Leather, "Chameleon" extended ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1031 Leather "Chameleon" ext./black V4SW From01.01.1983
        1032 Leather "Chameleon" ext./topas-blau V4PB From01.01.1983
        1033 Leather "Chameleon" ext./traum-rot V4TL From01.01.1983
        1034 Leather "Chameleon" ext./lotos-weiss V4LO From01.01.1983
        N5 Partial leather Walknappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0001 Leather, Walknappa/no color given N5XX From01.01.1983
        0508 Leather, Walknappa/mexico-grün N5MX From01.01.1983
        0522 Leather Walknappa/black N5SW From01.01.1983
        0523 Leather, Walknappa/light silver-gray N5SH From01.01.1983
        0524 Leather, Walknappa/parchment N5PE From01.01.1983
        0558 Leather, Walknappa/champagne N5CM From01.01.1983
        0559 Leather, Walknappa/lotos-weiss N5LO From01.01.1983
        0618 Leather, Walknappa/maulbeere N5MQ From01.01.1983
        0641 Leather, Walknappa/gray N5TT From01.01.1983
        0681 Leather, Walknappa/modena N5AY From01.01.1983
        0684 Leather, Walknappa/klassisch-rot N5GD From01.01.1983
        0700 Leather, Walknappa/magma N5AX From01.01.1983
        0843 Leather, Walknappa/petrol N5PT From01.01.1983
        0844 Leather, Walknappa/saturn-blau N5SB From01.01.1983
        0845 Leather, Walknappa/sand-grau N5BE From01.01.1983
        0881 Leather, Walknappa/sand-beige N5SN From01.01.1983
        0958 Leather, Walknappa/lachs-silber N5LS From01.01.1983To11.01.2001
        0959 Leather Walknappa/imola-red N5IM From01.01.1983
        0960 Leather Walknappa kiwi N5OV From01.01.1983
        0961 Leather, Walknappa/zimt N5ZM From01.01.1983
        R5 Leather Oregon Point ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0863 Leather, Oregon Point/black R5SW From01.01.1983
        0864 Leather, Oregon Point/sand-beige R5SN From01.01.1983
        L8 Complete leather, Nappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0321 100% Leather, Nappa/champagne L8CM From01.01.1983
        0330 100% Leather, Nappa/black L8SW From01.01.1983
        0419 100% Leather, Nappa/light silver-gray L8SH From01.01.1983
        O2 Leather Oregon, extended Point ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983To29.01.2001 )
        0744 Leather, Oregon Point expanded/black O2SW From01.01.1983
        0745 Leather, Oregon "Point" ext./tanin-rot O2TD From01.01.1983To29.01.2001
        0746 Leath., Oregon Point expand./sand-beige O2SN From01.01.1983
        0806 Leather, Oregon "Point" ext./Walnuss O2SY From01.01.1983To29.01.2001
        1011 Leather, Oregon Point expd./topas-blau O2PB From01.01.1983To29.01.2001
        1059 Lther, Oregon Point expanded/stahl-blau O2TL From01.01.1983To29.01.2001
        C5 Fabric, flat "Structure" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0591 Fabric, fl.weave,"Struktur"/anthracite C5AT From01.01.1983
        0592 Fab., fl.weave,"Struktur"/klassisch-rot C5GD From01.01.1983
        0593 Fabric, fl.weave,"Struktur"/sand-grau C5BE From01.01.1983
        0594 Fabric, fl.weave,"Struktur"/korn-blau C5PU From01.01.1983
        0708 Fabric, fl.weave,"Struktur"/königs-blau C5KU From01.01.1983
        G9 Cloth "Laser"/leather "Oregon" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0906 Cloth "Laser"/Leather Oregon/anthracite G9AT From01.01.1983
        N3 Leather, Nappa Bicolor ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0493 Leath., Nappa Bicolor/light silver-gray N3SH From01.01.1983
        0494 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/parchment N3PE From01.01.1983
        A3 Cloth Schattenstreifen ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0383 Cloth Schattenstreifen/anthracite A3AT From01.01.1983
        0384 Cloth Schattenstreifen/silver-grey A3SL From01.01.1983
        0385 Cloth Schattenstreifen/ultramarin A3UL From01.01.1983
        0386 Cloth Schattenstreifen/pergament A3PE From01.01.1983
        A8 Fabric "M-Tex" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0313 Fabric, "M-Tex"/anthracite A8AT From01.01.1983
        0416 Fabric, "M-Tex"/silver-gray A8SL From01.01.1983
        G1 Cloth "Lots of Dots" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0833 Cloth "Laser"/vermont-green G1GA From01.01.1983
        0834 Cloth "Lots of Dots"/mineral-blue G1MB From01.01.1983
        0835 Cloth "Lots of Dots"/slate G1SR From01.01.1983
        K6 Imitation leather "Neoprene" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0954 Imitat. leather "Neoprene"/panther-black K6PN From01.01.1983
        J1 Fabric "Tex 2000" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1041 Fabric Tex 2000/anthracite J1AT From01.01.1983
        1042 Fabric Tex 2000/techno-grau J1TF From01.01.1983
        1043 Fabric Tex 2000/boston-grün J1BB From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        O7 Standard leather, montana ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0785 Leather, Montana/sandbeige O7SN From01.01.1983
        0786 Standard leather, Montana/oyster O7OY From01.01.1983
        0852 Standard leather, Montana/lagunen-grün O7LG From01.01.1983To15.01.2001
        0853 Standard leather, Montana/granit-silber O7GN From01.01.1983
        L4 Leather, Bison/wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0004 Leather, Bison/wood/no color given L4XX From01.01.1983
        0325 Leather, Bison/wood/black L4SW From01.01.1983
        0451 Leather, Bison/wood/light silver-gray L4SH From01.01.1983
        0452 Leather, Bison/wood/ultramarine L4UL From01.01.1983
        0486 Leather, Bison/wood/silver-gray L4SL From01.01.1983
        Q3 Leather, Oregon/Int. beige ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0656 Leather, Oregon/Int.beige/black Q3SW From01.01.1983
        0657 Leather, Oregon/Int.beige/violet Q3VI From01.01.1983
        0658 Leather, Oregon/Int.beige/moos-grün Q3CA From01.01.1983
        0659 Leather, Oregon/Int.beige/tanin-rot Q3TD From01.01.1983
        0660 Leather, Oregon/Int.beige/sand-beige Q3SN From01.01.1983
        O8 Standard leather, root wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0788 Leather, Montana/sandbeige O8SN From01.01.1983
        0789 Standard leather/burr walnut/Oyster O8OY From01.01.1983
        D1 Fabric, Amaretta/Epingle/Int.sand-grau ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0642 Fab. Epingle/woolvel./Int.gray/anthra. D1AT From01.01.1983
        0643 Fab.Epingle/woolvel./Int.gray/moosgrün D1CA From01.01.1983
        0644 Fab.Epingle/woolvel./Int.gray/aubergin D1OR From01.01.1983
        U8 All leather "Spec.Classic" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1015 All leather "Spec.Classic", beige 3 U8BA From01.01.1983
        1016 100% Leather "Sp. Classic"/boston-grün U8BB From01.01.1983
        1017 100% Leather "Sp. Classic"/fjord-grau U8FA From01.01.1983
        1018 100% Leather "Sp. Classic"/cream-beige U8GE From01.01.1983
        1019 100%Lther"Special Classic"/granit-silber U8GN From01.01.1983
        1020 100% Leather "Sp. Classic"/naturbraun U8NG From01.01.1983
        1021 100% Leather "Special Classic"/black U8SW From01.01.1983
        E5 Fabric, flat Geomix ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0725 Fabric Jacquard bicolor Moda/lavendel E5LA From01.01.1983
        K3 Imitation leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0661 Imitation leather/black K3SW From01.01.1983
        0662 Imitation leather/light grey K3TH From01.01.1983
        0865 Vinyl apricot K3ON From01.01.1983
        1024 Vinyl stahl-blau K3TL From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        A4 Cloth "Pique" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0465 Cloth "Pique"/anthracite A4AT From01.01.1983
        0466 Cloth "Pique"/silver-grey A4SL From01.01.1983
        0467 Cloth "Pique"/ultramarin A4UL From01.01.1983
        0468 Cloth "Pique"/pergament A4PE From01.01.1983
        B9 Fabric/Epingle leather/Vavona wood ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0542 Fabric/leather Epingle/Vavona/gray B9TT From01.01.1983
        0543 Fabric/lther Epingle/Vavona/anthracite B9AT From01.01.1983
        0544 Fab./ltherEpingle/Vavona/englisch-grün B9EG From01.01.1983
        0545 Fab./lther Epingle/Vavona/pastell-grün B9SK From01.01.1983
        D7 Cloth/leather "Millpoint" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0624 Cloth/leather "Millpoint"/anthrazit D7AT From01.01.1983
        0667 Cloth/leather "Millpoint" D7RT From01.01.1983
        0668 Cloth/leather "Millpoint"/blue D7BL From01.01.1983
        0669 Cloth/leather "Millpoint"/grau D7TT From01.01.1983
        0807 Cloth/leather"Millpoint"/grau/ascot-grün D7OL From01.01.1983
        S2 Flat textile, "Chelsea/Logo" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0896 Fab. fl.wea."Chelsea/Logo"/black panthe S2PN From01.01.1983
        0896 Fabric, fl.weave,"Chelsea/Logo"/silver S2SI From01.01.1983
        0951 Fabric, fl.weave,"Chelsea/Logo"/indigo S2IG From01.01.1983
        T5 Leather "Profile" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0898 Leather "Profile"/pacific T5PA From01.01.1983
        0898 Leather "Profile"/panther-black T5PN From01.01.1983
        0898 Leather "Profile"/tizian-rot T5TN From01.01.1983
        V6 Leather Highline ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1051 Leather Highline/black V6SW From01.01.1983
        1052 Leather Highline/sand-beige V6SN From01.01.1983
        1053 Leather Highline/blue-gray V6BG From01.01.1983To18.01.2001
        N6 Leather Mont./basic equipm. ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0550 Leather Montana/basic equip/grau N6TT From01.01.1983
        0551 Leather Montana/basic equip/schwarz N6SW From01.01.1983
        0552 Leather Montana/basic equip/marineblau N6DL From01.01.1983
        0553 Leather Montana/basic equip/sandbeige N6SN From01.01.1983
        0554 Leather Montana/basic equip/lavendelgrau N6MK From01.01.1983
        0604 Leather Montana/basic equip/sattel-braun N6SY From01.01.1983
        0647 Leather Montana/basic equip/aubergine N6AI From01.01.1983
        0721 Leather Montana/basic equip/englischgrün N6EG From01.01.1983
        0728 Leather Montana/basic equip/hell-beige 2 N6HC From01.01.1983
        0729 Leather Montana/basic equip/taninrot N6TD From01.01.1983
        0787 Leather Montana/basic equip/oyster N6OY From01.01.1983
        0791 Leather Montana/basic equip/whiskey N6WY From01.01.1983
        0854 Leather Montana/basic equip/steingrün N6GN From01.01.1983
        0855 Leather Montana/basic equip/lagunen-grün N6LG From01.01.1983To11.01.2001
        0876 Leather Montana/basic equip/pastellgrün N6SK From01.01.1983
        0877 Leather Montana/basic equip/cappuccino N6CP From01.01.1983
        0877 Leather Montana/basic eq./minzgrün hell N6MH From01.01.1983To11.01.2001
        0945 Leather Montana/basic equip/poetic blue N6AU From01.01.1983
        1047 Leather Montana/basic equip/nauticgrün N6NG From01.01.1983To11.01.2001
        C8 Fabric Amaretta/Epingle/ ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0613 Fabric Epingle/wool vel./ C8AT From01.01.1983
        0614 Fabric Epingle/woolvell./ C8OR From01.01.1983
        0615 Fabric Epingle/wool vel./ü C8CA From01.01.1983
        E3 Cloth flock "Raute" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0717 Cloth flock "Raute"/anthracite E3AT From01.01.1983
        0718 Cloth flock "Raute"/grey E3TT From01.01.1983
        0719 Cloth flock "Raute"/navy blue E3DL From01.01.1983
        0720 Cloth flock "Raute"/mint-green E3AP From01.01.1983
        Z3 Kindersitz BMW ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0011 Kindersitz BMW/ohne Farbangabe Z3XX From01.01.1983
        0126 Kindersitz BMW/pinien-grün Z3PG From01.01.1983
        0240 Kindersitz BMW/siam-grau Z3ZG From01.01.1983
        0241 Kindersitz BMW/havanna Z3HB From01.01.1983
        0291 Kindersitz BMW/natur Z3NR From01.01.1983
        0333 Kindersitz BMW/anthrazit Z3AT From01.01.1983
        0335 Kindersitz BMW/indigo Z3IG From01.01.1983
        0345 Kindersitz BMW/silber Z3SI From01.01.1983
        O4 Embossed leather, Pablo ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0765 Embossed leather "Pablo"/arctis-blau O4AR From01.01.1983
        0766 Embossed leather "Pablo"/dark blue O4DC From01.01.1983
        H6 Cloth/leather "Special Mind" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0986 Fabric/leather "Special Mind"/anthracite H6AT From01.01.1983
        0987 Fabric/leather "Special Mind"/fjord-grau H6FA From01.01.1983
        0988 Fabric/leather "Special Mind"/hummer-rot H6IR From01.01.1983
        0989 Fabric/lther"Special Mind"/granit-silber H6GN From01.01.1983
        V3 Leather, Chameleon ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1025 Leather "Chameleon"/traum-rot V3TL From01.01.1983
        1026 Leather "Chameleon"/lotos-weiss V3LO From01.01.1983
        1027 Leather "Chameleon"/topas-blau V3PB From01.01.1983
        1028 Leather "Chameleon"/black V3SW From01.01.1983
        P7 Nappa Casual leather ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0518 Leather, Montana/Casual/black P7SW From01.01.1983
        0519 Nappa Casual leather/light grey P7TH From01.01.1983
        0520 Leather, Montana/Casual/klassisch-rot P7GD From01.01.1983
        0555 Leather, Montana/Casual/oyster P7OY From01.01.1983
        0620 Leather, Montana/Casual/sand-beige P7SN From01.01.1983
        0645 Leather, Montana/Casual/safran-gelb P7SG From01.01.1983
        0646 Leather, Montana/Casual/blue-violet P7MA From01.01.1983
        0756 Leather, Montana/Casual/tanin-rot P7TD From01.01.1983
        0757 Leather, Montana/Casual/pastell-grün P7SK From01.01.1983
        0847 Leather, Montana/Casual/stahl-grau P7ST From01.01.1983
        0848 Leather, Montana/Casual/meer-grün P7SX From01.01.1983
        G3 Cloth "Headline" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0860 Cloth "Headline"/anthracite G3AT From01.01.1983
        E7 Cloth "Boa Boa" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0730 Cloth "Boa Boa"/öl-blue E7OL From01.01.1983
        0754 Cloth "Boa Boa"/avus-blue E7AV From01.01.1983
        0755 Cloth "Boa Boa"/sierra-red E7ZR From01.01.1983
        0825 Cloth "Boa Boa"/grey E7TT From01.01.1983
        0858 Cloth "Boa Boa"/brillant-silver E7BS From01.01.1983
        0859 Cloth "Boa Boa"/topas-blue E7BV From01.01.1983
        9998 Cloth "Boa Boa"/without colour specific E7XX From01.01.1983
        H2 Cloth "International" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0937 Cloth "International"/anthracite H2AT From01.01.1983
        0938 Cloth "International"/mint H2AP From01.01.1983
        0938 Cloth "International"/gletscher-blue H2GU From01.01.1983
        0939 Cloth "International"/grey H2TT From01.01.1983
        0940 Cloth "International"/tanin-red H2TD From01.01.1983
        O5 Embossed leather, Strauss-Basis ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0809 Embossed leather "Strauss"/Basis/black O5SW From01.01.1983
        0810 Emb.leather "Strauss"/Basis/silverstone O5SS From01.01.1983
        0811 Emb.leath. "Strauss"/Basis/le mans blau O5LB From01.01.1983
        0812 Emb. leather "Strauss"/Basis/imola-rot O5IM From01.01.1983
        C9 Fabric, flat, "Net"/Int.sand-grau ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0625 Fab., fl.weave,"Netz"/Int.gray/anthrac. C9AT From01.01.1983
        0626 Fab.,fl.weave,"Netz"/Int.gray/sand-grau C9BE From01.01.1983
        0627 Fab.fl.wea.,"Netz"/Int.gray/königs-blau C9KU From01.01.1983
        0628 Fab., fl.wea. "Netz"/Int.gray/karmin-rot C9MP From01.01.1983
        T1 MINI Entry ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0901 MINI Entry T1EM From01.01.1983
        0901 MINI Entry T1SI From01.01.1983
        0902 MINI Entry T1PA From01.01.1983
        0902 MINI Entry T1PN From01.01.1983
        0902 MINI Entry T1RU From01.01.1983
        0903 MINI Entry T1CO From01.01.1983
        H9 Cloth Jacquard ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1039 Fabric Jacquard/anthracite H9AT From01.01.1983
        1040 Fabric Jacquard/gray H9TT From01.01.1983
        G6 Flat textile ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0866 Fabric flat weave/burgund-rot G6BR From01.01.1983
        0867 Fabric flat weave/anthracite G6AT From01.01.1983
        0868 Fabric flat weave/beige G6BI From01.01.1983
        0869 Fabric flat weave/cappuccino G6CP From01.01.1983
        0869 Fabric flat weave/gray G6TT From01.01.1983
        0870 Cloth, flat textile/topasblau G6TO From01.01.1983
        P4 Softleather Bubinga ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0579 100% Leather, Nappa/gray P4TT From01.01.1983
        0580 100% Leather, Nappa/black P4SW From01.01.1983
        0581 100% Leather, Nappa/englisch-grün P4EG From01.01.1983
        0582 100% Leather, Nappa/pastell-grün P4SK From01.01.1983
        F1 Flat textile ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0769 Fabric fl.weave "Struktur"/anthracite F1AT From01.01.1983
        0770 Fabric fl.weave "Struktur"/korn-blau F1PU From01.01.1983
        0771 Fabric fl.weave "Struktur"/ascot-grün F1ME From01.01.1983
        M3 Partial leather Nappa Heritage ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0440 Part-leather, Nappa Heritage/parchment M3PE From01.01.1983
        0441 Part-leather, Nappa Heritage/Brazil M3BU From01.01.1983
        0813 Part-leath.,Nappa Heritage/englisch-grün M3EG From01.01.1983
        0814 Part-leather, Nappa Heritage/black M3SW From01.01.1983
        0815 Part-leather, Nappa Heritage/caramel M3CR From01.01.1983
        0816 Part-leather, Nappa Heritage/kirsch-rot M3IM From01.01.1983
        0907 Part-lther, Nappa Heritage/lachs-silber M3LS From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        0908 Part-leather, Nappa Heritage/olivin-grün M3OV From01.01.1983
        0909 Part-leather, Nappa Heritage/zimt M3ZM From01.01.1983
        N2 Leather, Nappa Bicolor ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0480 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/parchment N2PE From01.01.1983
        0481 Leath., Nappa Bicolor/light silver-gray N2SH From01.01.1983
        0482 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/silver-gray N2SL From01.01.1983
        0555 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/petrol mint N2PO From01.01.1983
        0556 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/gray N2TT From01.01.1983
        0557 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/petrol N2PT From01.01.1983
        0621 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/mocca N2MZ From01.01.1983
        0732 Leather, Nappa Bicolor/englisch-grün N2EG From01.01.1983
        A1 Cloth flock Velours ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0406 Cloth flock Velours /anthracite A1AT From01.01.1983
        0407 Cloth flock Velours/silver grey A1SL From01.01.1983
        0408 Cloth flock Velours "Carre"/ultramarin A1UL From01.01.1983
        0409 Fabric Cord/parchment A1PE From01.01.1983
        0410 Cloth flock Velours/brasil A1BU From01.01.1983
        D6 Fabric, flat "Clover" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0663 Fabric, fl.weave,"Clover"/anthracite D6AT From01.01.1983
        0664 Fabric, fl.weave,"Clover"/gray D6TT From01.01.1983
        0665 Fabric, fl.weave,"Clover"/türkis D6TK From01.01.1983
        0666 Fabric, fl.weave,"Clover"/klassisch-rot D6GD From01.01.1983
        0762 Fabric, fl.weave,"Clover"/ascot-grün D6ME From01.01.1983
        0804 Fabric, fl.weave,"Clover"/königs-blau D6KU From01.01.1983
        U3 Leather "Oxford", extended ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0923 Leather "Oxford" expanded/avus-schwarz U3AS From01.01.1983
        0924 Leather "Oxford" expanded/jet&charcoal U3JC From01.01.1983
        0925 Leather "Oxford" expanded/jet&sand U3JS From01.01.1983
        0926 Lther "Oxford" expanded/navy&parchment U3NP From01.01.1983
        1012 Leather "Oxford" expanded/perl-silber U3PS From01.01.1983
        1013 Leather "Oxford" expnd./navarra-violett U3AA From01.01.1983
        T6 Leather "Gravity" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0897 Leather "Natural"/pacific T6PA From01.01.1983
        0897 Leather "Gravity"/panther-black T6PN From01.01.1983
        0897 Leather "Natural"/russet T6RU From01.01.1983
        0953 Leather "Gravity"/lapis-blau T6LP From01.01.1983
        P6 100% Leather Buffalo ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0499 Leather Buffalo/anthracite P6AT From01.01.1983
        O2 Leather, walk nappa, extended ( AvailableFrom29.01.2001 )
        0744 Leather, Oregon Point expanded/black O2SW From01.01.1983
        0746 Leath., Oregon Point expand./sand-beige O2SN From01.01.1983
        S3 Flat textile, "Chelsea/Mercury" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0927 Fab.,fl.weave,"Chelsea/Mercury"/pacifi S3PA From01.01.1983
        0927 Fabric, fl., "Chelsea/Mercury"/silver S3SI From01.01.1983
        0990 Fab., fl.weave,"Chelsea/Mercury"/black S3PN From01.01.1983
        Q6 100% Leather, Walknappa ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0702 100% Leather, Walknappa/black Q6SW From01.01.1983
        0703 100% Leather, Walknappa/gray Q6TT From01.01.1983
        0703 100% Leather, Walknappa/silverstone Q6VL From01.01.1983
        0704 100% Leather, Walknappa/kyalami Q6KY From01.01.1983
        0705 100% Leather, Walknappa/imola-rot Q6IM From01.01.1983
        0706 100% Leather, Walknappa/estoril-blau Q6ES From01.01.1983
        0707 100% Leather, Walknappa/ever-green Q6EV From01.01.1983
        1000 100% Leather, Walknappa/kiwi Q6OV From01.01.1983
        1002 100% Leather, Walknappa/lachs-silber Q6LS From01.01.1983To16.01.2001
        B5 Fabric "M-Tex 1" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0463 Fabric, "M-Tex 1"/neon blue B5NA From01.01.1983
        0464 Fabric, "M-Tex 1"/neon green B5NN From01.01.1983
        0491 Fabric, "M-Tex 1"/red B5RT From01.01.1983
        0492 Fabric, "M-Tex 1"/violet B5VI From01.01.1983
        P8 Leather Montana Soft ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0514 Leather, Montana/Soft/black P8SW From01.01.1983
        0515 Leather, Montana/Soft/sand-beige P8SN From01.01.1983
        0516 Leather, Montana/Soft/safran-gelb P8SG From01.01.1983
        0517 Leather, Montana/Soft/blue-violet P8MA From01.01.1983
        0555 Leather, Montana/Soft/gray P8TT From01.01.1983
        0556 Leather, Montana/Soft/pearlbeige P8OY From01.01.1983
        0556 Leather, Montana/Soft/turquoise P8TK From01.01.1983
        0595 Leather Montana/Soft/light grey P8TH From01.01.1983
        0733 Leather, Montana/Soft/light titan-grau P8LH From01.01.1983
        0758 Leather, Montana/Soft/tanin-rot P8TD From01.01.1983
        0759 Leather, Montana/Soft/pastell-grün P8SK From01.01.1983
        0849 Leather, Montana/Soft/stahl-grau P8ST From01.01.1983
        0850 Leather, Montana/Soft/meer-grün P8SX From01.01.1983
        C6 Fabric, flat "Net"/Int. black ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0605 Fabric, fl.weave,"Netz"/ C6AT From01.01.1983
        0607 Fab., fl.weave,"Netz"/ C6BE From01.01.1983
        0608 Fab., fl.weave,"Netz"/önigs-bl. C6KU From01.01.1983
        0609 Fab., fl.weave,"Netz"/ C6MP From01.01.1983
        F6 Cloth flock ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0801 Cloth flock/anthracite F6AT From01.01.1983
        0802 Cloth Flock/grey F6TT From01.01.1983
        0803 Cloth flock/navy blue F6DL From01.01.1983
        0851 Cloth flock/englisch-green F6EG From01.01.1983
        J3 Cloth/leather "Sportline" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        1054 Fabric/leather "Sportline"/anthracite J3AT From01.01.1983
        1055 Fabric/leather "Sportline"/leucht-rot 2 J3LC From01.01.1983To09.01.2001
        1056 Cloth/leather "Sportline/grey-blue" J3GC From01.01.1983
        1060 Cloth/leather "Sportline/flanell-grey" J3FA From01.01.1983
        H1 Cloth "Op Art" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0934 Fabric "Op Art"/anthracite H1AT From01.01.1983
        0935 Fabric "Op Art"/light red H1OS From01.01.1983
        V2 All leather "Ambiente" ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0998 All leather "Ambiente", anthracite-grey V2AG From01.01.1983
        0999 Leather Natur/sand-beige V2SN From01.01.1983To18.01.2001
        1000 All leather "Ambiente", morello V2MO From01.01.1983
        Z4 Kindersitz Ford ( AvailableFrom01.01.1983 )
        0012 Kindersitz Ford/ohne Farbangabe Z4XX From01.01.1983
        0201 Kindersitz Ford/silber Z4SI From01.01.1983
        0223 Kindersitz Ford/indigo Z4IG From01.01.1983
        0308 Kindersitz Ford/siam-grau Z4ZG From01.01.1983
        0309 Kindersitz Ford/havanna Z4HB From01.01.1983
        Last edited by MajorDrake; 25-03-2014, 20:10.
        M550d G30 & Taycan Turbo S & 991 Turbo S Cab
        Tuontiautoja avaimet käteen -- -- myös rahoitus ja vaihto --
        Vetokoukkujen asennusta kaikkiin merkkeihin Jyvässeudulla...


        • Esko
          Bimmer Enthusiast
          • Sep 2002
          • 11707
          • Kouvola

          Originally posted by ///Jone View Post
          Tuo koodi 0394 viittaisi nahkasisustaan, ilmeisesti 90-luvun alussa käytettiin koodeja varustelistassa kertomaan sisustan tyyli:think.
          Nojuu, hätäsesti katoin jonkun listan mukaan, että olisi ollut Stoff Anthrazit sisusta, mutta hyvä näin.


          • eki_boomer
            Bimmer Fanatic
            • May 2006
            • 223
            • Klaukkala

            Originally posted by eki_boomer View Post
            Pari kuukautta ollut nyt myynnissä, muutama kiinnostunut, yksi jopa käynyt pitkään ihmettelemässä / ajamassa. Mutta edelleen seisoo omassa tallissa. Nooh, olkoot siellä vaikka seuraavat pari kuukautta jos ei ketään kiinnosta...

            No menihän se kaupaksi. 7500€ jäi lapaan. Eli mielestäni ihan ok hinta.
            F31 moped edition...


            • Jube
              Bimmer Enthusiast
              • May 2005
              • 9636
              • ...

              Originally posted by eki_boomer View Post
              No menihän se kaupaksi. 7500€ jäi lapaan. Eli mielestäni ihan ok hinta.
              Minunkin mielestä varsin ok hinta, poitsit siitä että et lähtenyt polkumyyntiin!
              Siistihän autosi oli kaikinpuolin mutta hyvin suuri osa tuijottaa vain mittarilukemaa ja ajattelee että lähes 400tkm ajettu = Paalikuntoinen

              Oma roikuu edelleen myynnissä ja saa roikkua kun toimii samalla omana käyttöautona, lasketaan hintaa sekä korjaillaan vikoja pikkuhiljaa niin koittaa se sekin aika jossain vaiheessa että omistaja vaihtuu ja saa ottaa cabin ajoon...
              Muokkailin nettiauton ilmoitusta senverran että vaihtokin onnistuu mutta vain e34 ///M5:seen tai 6-koneiseen bensiinikäyttöiseen Imolarot e39 M-sporttiin, harrasteautoja (nurkkien täytteitä) ei ole koskaan liikaa
              Last edited by Jube; 28-03-2014, 22:58.
              Näillä mennään:
              Toyota Corolla hybrid sport touring -21"After 20 years daily repair"
              BMW e30 320i cabriolet -90 "Back to the old school"
              BMW e34 525i -90 ”Museointia vaille”
              BMW e39 528ia M-sport -99 ”Käyttöharraste”
              MB c124 230CE -90 "Badboy"
              MB s204 220cdi -08 "Seutuauto"


              • Ässä
                Bimmer Fanatic
                • Apr 2003
                • 374
                • Nokia

                Mun M3:sta kävi eilen katsomassa noin 40-vuotias mies. Tämä kyseinen herra kirjasi kansioonsa kaikki tiedot autostani, siis aivan kaikki, renkaiden valmistuspäivämäärästä lähtien, jatkuen aina renkaiden kulutuspinnasta kaikkiin kiveniskemiin saakka. Lisäksi hän valokuvasi kaikki autoani koskevat dokumentit mm. huoltokirjan.

                Aluksi olin hieman huvittunut tilanteesta ja ajattelin, että parempi olla tarkka, kuten myös itse olen.

                Seitsemän tunnin jälkeen alkoi kyllä auton tarkastelu ottamaan päähän ja tuli mieleen tämä viestiketju, todellista "myymisen sietämätöntä vaikeutta".

                Niin, auto ei mennyt hänelle kaupaksi kun piti jäädä vielä harkitsemaan asiaa
                Last edited by Ässä; 28-03-2014, 23:01. Reason: Lisäys tekstiin
                Porsche Cayman S
                MB 200cdi W203

                ex: BMW F36 420xd M-sport
                ex: BMW e46 M3
                ex: Nissan Micra 995cc "pikkulohko"
                ex: Mercedes-Benz 220cdi -08 w204
                ex: e36 M3 sedan
                ex: e90 320d
                ex: e30 320i (2.6) -87
                ex: e39 520i -97


                • peto2
                  BTCF Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 8264
                  • Järvikylä (Nakkila)

                  Originally posted by Ässä View Post
                  Mun M3:sta kävi eilen katsomassa noin 40-vuotias mies. Tämä kyseinen herra kirjasi kansioonsa kaikki tiedot autostani, siis aivan kaikki, renkaiden valmistuspäivämäärästä lähtien, jatkuen aina renkaiden kulutuspinnasta kaikkiin kiveniskemiin saakka. Lisäksi hän valokuvasi kaikki autoani koskevat dokumentit mm. huoltokirjan.

                  Aluksi olin hieman huvittunut tilanteesta ja ajattelin, että parempi olla tarkka, kuten myös itse olen.

                  Seitsemän tunnin jälkeen alkoi kyllä auton tarkastelu ottamaan päähän ja tuli mieleen tämä viestiketju, todellista "myymisen sietämätöntä vaikeutta".

                  Niin, auto ei mennyt hänelle kaupaksi kun piti jäädä vielä harkitsemaan asiaa
                  Et oo tosissas
                  F10 530dA Saphirschwarz, G30 530e Saphirschwarz, E38 730iA Dunkelblau, E39 540iAT Biarritzblau Metallic
                  E39 528iA Arktissilber, E39 528iAT Arktissilber, E34 525TDSA Diamantschwarz, E32 735 iAL Royalblau Metallic, E34 525i Diamantschwarz, E36 325 TDSA Arktissilber
                  Vikakoodinlukua & pieniä koodauksia: ADS, K+DCAN, ICOM. INPA, DIS, ISTA+, ISTA P & BMW Scanner 1.40 Kaikki vuosimallit!
                  Myydään: Satunnaisia E32, E34, E36, E38 ja E39 osia.
                  Nakkaa privaa jos tarvetta.


                  • Ässä
                    Bimmer Fanatic
                    • Apr 2003
                    • 374
                    • Nokia

                    Originally posted by peto2 View Post
                    Et oo tosissas
                    Kyllä vaan, muistutti aikalailla tätä:
                    Porsche Cayman S
                    MB 200cdi W203

                    ex: BMW F36 420xd M-sport
                    ex: BMW e46 M3
                    ex: Nissan Micra 995cc "pikkulohko"
                    ex: Mercedes-Benz 220cdi -08 w204
                    ex: e36 M3 sedan
                    ex: e90 320d
                    ex: e30 320i (2.6) -87
                    ex: e39 520i -97


                    • JNIJNI
                      Bimmer Enthusiast
                      • Mar 2006
                      • 1485

                      Originally posted by Ässä View Post
                      Mun M3:sta kävi eilen katsomassa noin 40-vuotias mies. Tämä kyseinen herra kirjasi kansioonsa kaikki tiedot autostani, siis aivan kaikki, renkaiden valmistuspäivämäärästä lähtien, jatkuen aina renkaiden kulutuspinnasta kaikkiin kiveniskemiin saakka. Lisäksi hän valokuvasi kaikki autoani koskevat dokumentit mm. huoltokirjan.

                      Aluksi olin hieman huvittunut tilanteesta ja ajattelin, että parempi olla tarkka, kuten myös itse olen.

                      Seitsemän tunnin jälkeen alkoi kyllä auton tarkastelu ottamaan päähän ja tuli mieleen tämä viestiketju, todellista "myymisen sietämätöntä vaikeutta".

                      Niin, auto ei mennyt hänelle kaupaksi kun piti jäädä vielä harkitsemaan asiaa
                      Tämä linkki oli pakko laittaa

                      G21 LCI 330e xDrive 2022
                      E93 M3


                      • Enliz
                        BTCF Member
                        • Jan 2005
                        • 1503
                        • Espoo

                        Originally posted by peto2 View Post
                        Et oo tosissas
                        Eiks tää oo nykypäivää? Itellä käynyt vastaavia "liikaa" vapaa aikaa - liian "vähän" rahaa ostajia.

                        Käytin aikoinaan 4 tuntia kaveriin joka tuli katsomaan 13vuotta vanhaa e39sia. Soitti vielä tunniksi kaverin tutkimaan.
                        Kävivät melkein joka ikisen pultin autosta läpi, ja pohtivat onko joskus kenties irroitettu. Jos niin miksi?

                        Jätti poskettoman hinnan ja katosi.
                        Jälkeenpäin ois pitänyt tarjota sille vaikka shelliltä hodari.

                        Mistä näitä löytyy? No näitä on joka puolella!
                        ps. kaveri oli joku 40v myös
                        Last edited by Enliz; 28-03-2014, 23:23.
                        now: Mercedes Benz 350e AMG
                        ex: f30 320i M-Sport
                        ex: e46 320i M-Sport II
                        ex: e46 330Ci Cabriolet M-Sport II
                        ex: e36 316i Compact
                        ex: e39 530i M-Sport
                        ex: e46 320Cd M-Sport II


                        • Ässä
                          Bimmer Fanatic
                          • Apr 2003
                          • 374
                          • Nokia

                          Originally posted by JNIJNI View Post
                          Tämä linkki oli pakko laittaa

                          Ehdin eka
                          Porsche Cayman S
                          MB 200cdi W203

                          ex: BMW F36 420xd M-sport
                          ex: BMW e46 M3
                          ex: Nissan Micra 995cc "pikkulohko"
                          ex: Mercedes-Benz 220cdi -08 w204
                          ex: e36 M3 sedan
                          ex: e90 320d
                          ex: e30 320i (2.6) -87
                          ex: e39 520i -97


                          • MMF
                            Bimmer Fanatic
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 461
                            • Sipoo

                            Vähän OT mut mulla on pihassa toimiva, kilvetön -92 Gt Golf, paperit, verot kaikki kunnossa.. Pari ilmoa netissä 150€, kukaan ei tuu hakemaan. Kuvia pitää lähetellä yms. Nyt yhelle lupasin 100:lla eurolla jos tulee hakemaan ennen viikonloppua, muuten annan sen kaverin pojalle peltoautoksi. Katoin just niin neljätoista e-mailia vaihdettu tän jätkän kanssa, kyselee ties mitä ja kuvia sieltä sun täältä, siis 100 euron autosta, joka käy ja kukkuu, recaron sisusta, sähkökattoluukku yms. niin on koko viikko viestitelty!

                            Ja voisin sen sata euroa lyödä vetoa että se ei sitä tule hakemaan.
                            E70 X5 3.0D -07
                            W124 200d
                            Hiace 4wd

                            EX: E36 328 M Touring -95, E30 320i touring, 530da M-Sport -03, 523i Touring -98, E60 530d M-Sport -06, E83 X3 3.0d


                            • Antti O
                              Bimmer Enthusiast
                              • May 2005
                              • 6937
                              • N/A

                              Originally posted by Ässä View Post
                              Mun M3:sta kävi eilen katsomassa noin 40-vuotias mies. Tämä kyseinen herra kirjasi kansioonsa kaikki tiedot autostani, siis aivan kaikki, renkaiden valmistuspäivämäärästä lähtien, jatkuen aina renkaiden kulutuspinnasta kaikkiin kiveniskemiin saakka. Lisäksi hän valokuvasi kaikki autoani koskevat dokumentit mm. huoltokirjan.

                              Aluksi olin hieman huvittunut tilanteesta ja ajattelin, että parempi olla tarkka, kuten myös itse olen.

                              Seitsemän tunnin jälkeen alkoi kyllä auton tarkastelu ottamaan päähän ja tuli mieleen tämä viestiketju, todellista "myymisen sietämätöntä vaikeutta".

                              Niin, auto ei mennyt hänelle kaupaksi kun piti jäädä vielä harkitsemaan asiaa
                              Ostajia on monenlaisia.. tarkkaan on asiat selvitetty


                              • 174000
                                Bimmer Enthusiast
                                • Mar 2008
                                • 1178
                                • Tuusula

                                Originally posted by Enliz View Post
                                Eiks tää oo nykypäivää? Itellä käynyt vastaavia "liikaa" vapaa aikaa - liian "vähän" rahaa ostajia.

                                Mistä näitä löytyy? No näitä on joka puolella!
                                ps. kaveri oli joku 40v myös
                                On...Mullakin tutki seiskaa n.40v henkilö n. parisen tuntia, konttaili auton alla ja tutkiskeli moottoritilaa tarkaan jne jne...Lopulta teki tarjouksen, tulin hinnassa puoleenväliin vastaan ja henkilö jäi pohtimaan asiaa ja ei tullu kauppoja ei.:think
                                ’11 E70 X5 40d LCI M-Sport
                                '02 VW Golf 1.4i
                                Ex: ’09 E91 320xDA LCI Touring M-Sport
                                ’01 E39 M5, '08 E61 520dA LCI Touring M-sport, ’01 E38 730dA,´01 E39 530i Touring

