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E65 Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia II

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  • Haju69
    • Nov 2005
    • 16369
    • Leppävirta

    E65 Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia II

    Uusi tulille. Tässä vielä edellinen topikki
    LMC 630 R Liberty 2,8tdi '99
    E36 Hellrot 328i M-Sport ´96
    B8 Audi A4 1,8 TFSI Quattro '10

    Vikakoodin luvut/nollaukset, koodausta savon maalla.
    Myös vikakoodien luku ja nollaus yms koodaukset VAG ajoneuvoihin jotka varustettu OBD2 pistokkeella.
    Nakkaa viestiä privalla jos tarvetta. Tai sitten ihan puhelimeen. Nollaneljänolla73kaksi403viisi.
  • hetfield
    Bimmer Fanatic
    • Sep 2013
    • 330
    • pirkkala

    Lämppäri lakkasi toimimasta, eikä selkeää vikaa meinaa löytyä.
    Koodit: 009B2C (external light), 009B2E (heater locking), 00E787 (CAN Bus-off fehler).
    Ekalla kerralla, kun inpalla ihmettelin: 9B2A, 9B29, 9B2E.

    Vaihdoin uuden palopesän ja tulpan, avasin lukon, otin piuhat irti (~1min), kokeilin päälle= vesipumppu ja paloilmapuhallin lähtevät päälle, löpöpumppu ei inahdakkaan, eikä inpassa ehdi ainakaan näkemään että hehkuttaisi. Mitään savumerkkejä ei näy. Menee lukkoon kahden paloilmapuhaltimen syklin jälkeen.

    Kaikki pumput toimivat erikseen ohjattuina.

    Sekalaista läppää aiheesta:

    Pitää vielä koittaa tuota omaa softaa, jos saisi enemmän selville.
    Diagnostic program for Webasto heaters. The program supports almost all heaters that have a diagnostic capability.

    Functional description of independent/auxiliary heater E65

    The independent and/or auxiliary heater (SH_ZH) is an integral part of the heating and air-conditioning system. The SH_ZH provides heat output inside the vehicle that is not dependent on the engine. The control unit is fitted directly on the heater. Communication in the overall vehicle takes place by means of K-CAN telegrams based on KWP 2000. The SH_ZH takes over activation of the components necessary for operation shown in the brief description of components.
    Brief description of components
    Control unit, independent/auxiliary heater

    The function of the SH_ZH control unit must be ensured when the voltage supply is applied. The activation (switching on and off) always takes place in normal operation via K CAN telegram. The control unit is the central component and it communicates alongside the independent/auxiliary heating components with the DME/DDE, the CAS, the IHKA and the instrument cluster, which jointly ensure the correct operating mode of the independent/auxiliary heating. The control unit consists of the control unit, the temperature sensor, the overheating protection, the heat conductor and the connecting strip. The control unit is vented by the combustion-air chamber of the burner via an air hose. Together with the burner housing, the control unit forms a single unit and must not be disassembled.
    Burner housing

    The burner housing contains a coolant inlet and outlet and the exhaust-gas outlet connection. The burner housing accommodates the burner insert and together with the control unit forms a single unit.
    Combustion-air fan unit

    The combustion-air fan unit contains the combustion-air fan, the opening for the fuel line and the opening for the fuel supply connection. The combustion-air fan delivers the air needed for combustion to the burner insert.
    Burner insert

    The fuel is distributed in the burner tube in the burner insert. Combustion of the fuel/air mixture takes place in the burner tube.
    Heater plug/flame monitor

    The heater plug/flame monitor located in the burner insert ignites the fuel-air mixture when the heater is started. After starting, heater plug/flame monitor takes on the task of the flame monitor. The heater plug/flame monitor is an electrical resistor. When the heater plug/flame monitor is active, there is cyclical static monitoring of the heater plug resistance. -> Heater-filament breakage detection.
    Circulation pump (water pump of independent/auxiliary heater)

    The circulation pump is only fitted in the Thermo Top C, i.e. independent and auxiliary heater and mounted on the combustion-air fan unit. The circulation pump ensure a flow of coolant in the vehicle/heater circuit. The pump is activated by the control unit and runs throughout the entire operation of the independent/auxiliary heater. In the event of repairs, the circulation pump can be replaced separately.
    Metering pump (fuel metering pump of independent/auxiliary heater)

    The metering pump serves to supply the fuel from the vehicle's fuel tank. In the event of repairs, the metering pump can be replaced separately.
    Changeover valve

    The changeover valve switches between two separate water circuits: the engine coolant circuit and the independent heater circuit. At zero current, the changeover valve is set to the engine coolant circuit. In the event of repairs, the changeover valve can be replaced separately.
    Integrated automatic heating/air conditioning

    The independent/auxiliary heater is an integral part of the IHKA integrated heating and air-conditioning system. The IHKA controls the independent/auxiliary heater in all operating modes.
    Digital Motor/Diesel Electronics

    The Digital Motor/Diesel Electronics DME/DDE transmits cyclically every 200 ms the engine operating state engine on or off, which is evaluated by the auxiliary/independent heater.
    Car Access System

    The Car Access System CAS transmits cyclically every 500 ms the terminal status e.g. terminal R, terminal 15, which is evaluated by the independent/auxiliary heater.
    Central Gateway Module

    The Central Gateway Module (ZGM) connects the byteflight, K-CAN, PT-CAN data buses and the diagnostic bus.
    Remote control for independent-heating functions

    The independent-heating functions are activated by pressing the buttons on the remote control. In turn, the functions are actually executed by means of IHKA telegrams to the auxiliary/independent heater.
    Main functions

    There are three different main functions. Independent heating, auxiliary heating and pseudo auxiliary heating.


    When criteria are identified which call for the auxiliary/independent heater to be deactivated, it is first necessary to wait for the IHKA OFF command. Therefore, in this case, the auxiliary/independent heater starts a codable timer (default value: 10 seconds) within which the IHKA OFF signal must come. if it does not come, the auxiliary heating system switches off automatically and sends its status ”Off due to implausible operating mode”. This must be acknowledged by the IHKA (integrated automatic heating / air conditioning system) to enable a new start.
    Independent heating, petrol/gasoline and diesel

    For independent heating, the outside temperature must lie below 16°C in the case of preselected switching time. Direct switching on via the Control Display is possible at all times.

    Switch-on conditions (each of the following points must be satisfied - AND condition)

    Telegram switch on SH_ZH (telegram comes from the IHKA and can be triggered by a preselected switch-on time at the Control Display, direct operation selection at the Control Display, Telestarter.)
    No fault
    No fault lockout of heater
    Engine OFF
    Range for fuel quantity more than 50 kilometres

    Switch-off conditions (each of the following points necessitates switching off of the independent-heating procedure or prevents switching on - OR condition)

    Telegram switch off SH_ZH (telegram comes from the IHKA and can be triggered by Control Display, direct operation deselection at the Control Display, telestarter, heating time elapsed)
    Heating time elapsed (usually 30 minutes)
    10 seconds implausibility (see Implausibility with independent heating)
    Undervoltage detected

    Implausibilities / criteria (each of the following points necessitates switching off of the independent-heating procedure - OR condition)

    Status, engine running
    Operating mode not equal to independent heating
    Deactivation of stationary consumers by power module

    Auxiliary heating, diesel only

    In conjunction with the IHKA, the independent/auxiliary heater acts as an auxiliary heater to increase the heat output if needed.

    Switch-on conditions (each of the following points must be satisfied - AND condition)

    Telegram switch on SH_ZH (telegram comes from the IHKA and auxiliary-heating conditions must be satisfied)
    No fault
    Status, engine running
    Terminal 15 ON

    Switch-off conditions (each of the following points necessitates switching off of the auxiliary-heating procedure or prevents switching on - OR condition)

    Telegram switch off SH_ZH (auxiliary-heating conditions not satisfied)
    10 seconds implausibility (see Implausibility with auxiliary heating)
    Undervoltage detected

    Implausibilities / criteria (each of the following points necessitates switching off of the auxiliary-heating procedure - OR condition)

    Status goes from engine running to engine off
    Terminal 15 OFF
    Operating mode not equal to auxiliary heating
    Missing telegrams from IHKA, CAS, DME (communication check)

    Pseudo auxiliary heating

    The newly introduced pseudo auxiliary heating serves to increase comfort and is intended to prevent the changeover valve from being switched over to the large engine coolant circuit during the auxiliary-heating phase when the engine is started - which would result in a drop in the heating-water temperature and thus in reduced heat output.

    Switch-on conditions (each of the following points must be satisfied - AND condition) Precondition is that independent heating is operating and the transition from ”Engine not running” to ”Engine running” is detected.

    Telegram switch on SH_ZH (telegram comes from the IHKA and is transmitted from terminal R cyclically, even with independent heating)
    Condition, pseudo auxiliary heating set (coding bit = 1)
    No fault
    Terminal 15 ON
    Status, engine running

    Switch-off conditions (each of the following points necessitates switching off of the pseudo auxiliary-heating procedure or prevents switching on - OR condition) A distinction must be made between petrol/gasoline and diesel engines

    Operating mode auxiliary heating (diesel only), pseudo auxiliary heating or changeover valve off -> transition to auxiliary-heating mode
    Telegram switch off SH_ZH, reasons can be: Direct OFF, auxiliary-heating conditions not satisfied, petrol engine
    10 seconds implausibility

    Implausibility / criteria (each of the following points necessitates switching off of the pseudo auxiliary-heating procedure - OR condition)

    Status, terminal 15 OFF
    Status, engine OFF
    IHKA must switch to auxiliary heating
    Operating mode not equal to pseudo auxiliary heating
    Missing telegrams from IHKA, CAS, DME (communication check)

    Service functions

    Overheating lock

    In the event of a temperature-control failure or partial overheating, e.g. as a result of a lack of water, the overheating protection switches off the independent/auxiliary heater permanently. If the overheating lock is activated, an entry is made in the fault memory of the independent/auxiliary heater.

    Heater lock

    The auxiliary heating system is permanently locked if three malfunctions or three faults relevant to operation have occurred in sequence - i.e. without correct operation in between. For example, lack of fuel on a number of occasions could lead to failure to generate a flame. Here, the heater lock is activated, which leads to an entry in the fault code memory of the auxiliary heating system. This fault is not identical to the overheating lock fault.


    The fault lockout occurs when a fault is detected during operation and the auxiliary heating unit switches off.


    It only needs to be switched OFF once to cancel the fault lockout. It can then be restarted.
    Heater lock
    The heater lock is unlocked using the service function ”Unlock auxiliary heating system” AND then by pulling the fuse of the auxiliary heating system (disconnect power).

    Country and coding versions

    Country versions

    No country versions present.

    Coding versions

    The independent/auxiliary heater is coded once at the factory. A distinction is made between petrol/gasoline and diesel-coded independent/auxiliary heaters. The independent/auxiliary heater cannot be coded in the dealer organisation.
    Last edited by hetfield; 19-01-2015, 16:26.
    - E65 730d 2003


    • Gonzalez
      BTCF Member
      • Jun 2003
      • 2632
      • Seinäjoki

      Mikä yksikkö on peltinen 20*25cm boksi takakontissa, hattuhyllyn alle kiinnitettynä vasemmalla puolella ja mitä kaikkea se tekee? Siivoilin konttia, flekti tuossa purkissa heräsi yhtäkkiä hurisemaan ja jäin ihmettelemään...
      530d GT F07 2010
      325i E30 Cabriolet 1987

      Ex.316i E30 coupe 1987, 325i E36 sedan 1991, 325iA E36 coupe 1993, 328i E36 coupe 1995, 330dA E46 Touring M-sport 2002, 330d E46 Touring M-sport 2004, 530d E61 Touring 2004, 730dA E38 sedan 1999, 740dA E38 sedan 2000, 530dA E61 Touring M-sport 2004, 730dA E65 2004, 328i E36 coupe M-sport 1996, X5 E70 2007


      • TheRipper
        Bimmer Enthusiast
        • May 2012
        • 5045
        • Paimio

        Originally posted by Gonzalez View Post
        Mikä yksikkö on peltinen 20*25cm boksi takakontissa, hattuhyllyn alle kiinnitettynä vasemmalla puolella ja mitä kaikkea se tekee? Siivoilin konttia, flekti tuossa purkissa heräsi yhtäkkiä hurisemaan ja jäin ihmettelemään...
        Verhoilun alla jossain? Ei ainakaan itsellä näkyvillä mitään purkkia ole.
        F10 523iA 2010

        Ex: E39 528iA 1997
        Ex: E85 Z4 2.5iA LCI 2008
        Ex: E65 745iA 2003
        Ex: E46 318i 1998
        Ex: E34 525iA 1989


        • bimmerE34
          Bimmer Enthusiast
          • Aug 2004
          • 6209
          • Gotham

          Onko muilla ollut ongelmaa, että pamahtaa ovien iskarit jäähän ja päästää tavarat pellolle?

          Oikean takaoven iskari tuli tiensä päähän, eikä meinannut ovi mennä kiinni. Otin sen äsken irti, ja täytyi hämmästellä, kuinka paljon onkaan tavaraa ovipahvin sisällä.

          ///Pumppu Pojat Racing Team
          Metaline sport #40


          • TheRipper
            Bimmer Enthusiast
            • May 2012
            • 5045
            • Paimio

            Vuotaako oven tiiviste vai mistä sinne "iskariin" on vettä päässyt? Itsellä ainakin säilyy 100% kuivana tuo pesunkin jälkeen, joten eihän se silloin voi edes jäätyä.
            F10 523iA 2010

            Ex: E39 528iA 1997
            Ex: E85 Z4 2.5iA LCI 2008
            Ex: E65 745iA 2003
            Ex: E46 318i 1998
            Ex: E34 525iA 1989


            • bimmerE34
              Bimmer Enthusiast
              • Aug 2004
              • 6209
              • Gotham

              Originally posted by TheRipper View Post
              Vuotaako oven tiiviste vai mistä sinne "iskariin" on vettä päässyt? Itsellä ainakin säilyy 100% kuivana tuo pesunkin jälkeen, joten eihän se silloin voi edes jäätyä.
              Ei siellä vettä ollut, mutta totaalisen jumiin tuo oli pamahtanut.

              Yhden E39 etuiskarit jääty joskus pohjaan kun päästi sisältä tavarat pellolle..

              ///Pumppu Pojat Racing Team
              Metaline sport #40


              • TheRipper
                Bimmer Enthusiast
                • May 2012
                • 5045
                • Paimio

                Originally posted by bimmerE34 View Post
                Ei siellä vettä ollut, mutta totaalisen jumiin tuo oli pamahtanut.

                Yhden E39 etuiskarit jääty joskus pohjaan kun päästi sisältä tavarat pellolle..
                Ettei vaan sitten tullut kaasujousi tiensä päähän...tiiviste pettänyt ja vuotanut aineet ulos? Aikas tyypillistä kaasujousille kuitenkin...en usko että jäätymisestä on ollut kyse.
                F10 523iA 2010

                Ex: E39 528iA 1997
                Ex: E85 Z4 2.5iA LCI 2008
                Ex: E65 745iA 2003
                Ex: E46 318i 1998
                Ex: E34 525iA 1989


                • bimmerE34
                  Bimmer Enthusiast
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 6209
                  • Gotham

                  Originally posted by TheRipper View Post
                  Ettei vaan sitten tullut kaasujousi tiensä päähän...tiiviste pettänyt ja vuotanut aineet ulos? Aikas tyypillistä kaasujousille kuitenkin...en usko että jäätymisestä on ollut kyse.
                  Joo, kyllä juuri näin käynyt, mutta eniten ihmetyttää se, että miksi ovi ei mennyt kiinni ja tuo jumitti. Ovi jäi n. 5cm raolleen.

                  ///Pumppu Pojat Racing Team
                  Metaline sport #40


                  • jjanii
                    Bimmer Fanatic
                    • Apr 2012
                    • 629
                    • joensuu

                    Jos e65sesta löytyy idriven kautta ohjattava webasto niin saako sitä muutettua myös puhelin/kaukosäädin ohjatuksi?


                    • repsa
                      Bimmer Enthusiast
                      • May 2006
                      • 1367
                      • Lempäälä

                      No oman kaukosäätimen ostamalla ja naittamalla pitäs mennä rok rok.
                      Kännykkäohjauksesta en olekkaan sit ihan niin varma.
                      5c jetta 1.2TSI 140/220
                      530e m-sport alpinweiss3 vakio
                      a4 cabi 220/300
                      vian ei tarvitse olla iso jos se on korvien välissä...


                      • hetfield
                        Bimmer Fanatic
                        • Sep 2013
                        • 330
                        • pirkkala

                        Miten saan webastoon yhteyden sen omalla softalla?
                        Vai ?
                        - E65 730d 2003


                        • repsa
                          Bimmer Enthusiast
                          • May 2006
                          • 1367
                          • Lempäälä

                          mikä vikana inpassa ?

                          En tiedä suorasta yhteydestä tiedä, mutta tekis mieli heitttää että w-bus-linjaankin pääsee käsiks ku jaksaa kaivaa joko kojetaulua tai sisälokasuojaa irti.
                          5c jetta 1.2TSI 140/220
                          530e m-sport alpinweiss3 vakio
                          a4 cabi 220/300
                          vian ei tarvitse olla iso jos se on korvien välissä...


                          • hetfield
                            Bimmer Fanatic
                            • Sep 2013
                            • 330
                            • pirkkala

                            Originally posted by repsa View Post
                            mikä vikana inpassa ?

                            En tiedä suorasta yhteydestä tiedä, mutta tekis mieli heitttää että w-bus-linjaankin pääsee käsiks ku jaksaa kaivaa joko kojetaulua tai sisälokasuojaa irti.
                            Kyllä inpa ja rheingold pelaa, mutta niistä ei paljon apua ole tohon webaston sielunelämään, ainakaan tässä tapauksessa. ks. eka viesti sivulta 1.

                            Kyllä siihen sieltä weban pistokkeesta pääsee, mutta mitä siihen töpselin ja PC:n väliin pitää laittaa että weban oma softa pelaa??
                            - E65 730d 2003


                            • jjanii
                              Bimmer Fanatic
                              • Apr 2012
                              • 629
                              • joensuu

                              Miten e65sen webastoa ajellaan joka toimii idriven kautta, en ole kerennyt vilkaisemaan kyllä koko systeemiä mutta varmasti hakemista

