Sattui tuommoinen testi silmään:
Kuukkelikäännös lopusta:
"For the next generation of X-Drive, which will be presented with the X5 end of the year, the driving force not only distribute variably to the front and rear, but also between the right and left wheels of the rear axle.
31st March 2006
Kuinka monta sukupolvea X-drivea on tehty ja miten ne eroavat toisistaan?
Kuukkelikäännös lopusta:
"For the next generation of X-Drive, which will be presented with the X5 end of the year, the driving force not only distribute variably to the front and rear, but also between the right and left wheels of the rear axle.
31st March 2006
Kuinka monta sukupolvea X-drivea on tehty ja miten ne eroavat toisistaan?