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M54 vanos remontti

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  • Antti O
    Bimmer Enthusiast
    • May 2005
    • 6937
    • N/A

    Löysin mielenkiintoisen tekstin mailmalta.
    Sillä taitaa tosiaan hieman olla merkitystä mistä tiivisteet ostaa.
    Toki Beisan haluaa omiansa mainostaa, mutta kannattaa lukea.

    You need to be careful of what seals material you are getting. There are many variations of Teflon and to some extent Viton.
    Teflon isn't usually used in it's virgin (white) form because it's susceptible to wear and deformation. So normally fillers are added to improve this. Choosing the correct type and grade of the filler is very important. In this vanos application BMW chose a very high grade carbon as the filler. This is correct for several reasons. The vanos has soft non-anodized aluminum cylinder walls and the engine oil pressure is very low, 7.5-60 PSI, compared to the normal hydraulic applications 1,500 PSI. So you need a material that doesn't eat the cylinder walls as the Teflon slides against it, and that allows low enough friction to provide good performance (speed). Graphite would not damage the cylinder walls and has very low friction, but it is fairly susceptible to wear and wouldn't last long. Bronze and glass-moly are too harsh and would damage the cylinder walls and provide poor performance.

    When I (Beisan) first looked into this I connected with the largest seals company in the world. They recommended a turquoise Teflon that was essentially virgin Teflon colored green. Once I understood what they were recommending I objected. They said they were right and I needed to follow their advise. I said it would wear quickly. They said that was no problem because you could just replace it when it wears. That was the end of the relationship. I connected with another world class seals company. They agreed carbon was the correct filler. But I was not happy because their carbon wasn't as fine and slick as the OEM. I had them assess the OEM and they found it was carbon but couldn't identify a grade. We launched the seals kit with the standard carbon and ran into issues. It would take 500 city miles for the seals to break in before achieving the performance benefits. Some people had codes during this period. I complained to the seals company. Then I connected with a world class seals materials company. They assess the OEM Teflon and told me that it had a very special very expensive high grade carbon filler that had a single source in the world. This filler had the wear longevity of carbon but was almost as low in friction as virgin Teflon. They recommended it for this vanos application. I switched to this material and the issues significantly resolved. The seals were breaking in in 200 miles. Most of the code issues were gone. We would infrequently see a code just after install before the seals broke in. I found out new vanos units can also experience this. I then had the Teflon rings polished when manufactured. This resolved all the issues and even further reduced the break in period. I had to switch to a smaller seals company to use this material. Essentially no large seals company will offer or use this material because it's too expensive and they are all about reducing costs and increasing profits. With the new seals company we had custom molds made for the seals, $3k each. This allowed creating Teflon billets close to the final dimensions of the seals before sintering and then machining. This notably reduced material loss from machining and facilitated using this very high grade very expensive material.

    There are also many variations of Viton rubber. One big issue in the vanos application is compression set. This the flattening of the O-ring. This happens over time due to the compression of the O-ring. There are variations of Viton that facilitate better compression set. We were fortunate to connect with a manufacturer who's O-rings do well with compression set. I have seen many results of compression set over the years and this material does well.

    If you look at the ebay listing for i6 Automotive for the double seals kits they specify "Bronze impregnated Teflon". As explained this is too harsh and could damage the vanos soft aluminum cylinder wall and would provide poor performance. Bronze also comes in grades. The standard bronze grade, which is likely what's used, is very course and harsh. We (Beisan) use bronze filler on the S54/S62 Teflon seals. This is appropriate for this application because the cylinder walls are hardened steel and the oil pressure is 1,500 PSI. But we use a very high grade fine bronze filler. This is the same as the OEM.
    Another ebay offering by i6 Automotive for the double seals kit has light gray Teflon rings. This is indicative of glass-moly filler. This is the cheapest and harshest material available.

    Although the Beisan seals kit is expensive, you do get a lot of value with it. It provides very high grade materials that have been proven with years of install and use. You get a very good procedure to guide you through the repair. I am available continuously by phone and email for support. There is a vanos forum on Bimmerboard where I moderate and answer questions. If you damage any of the seals during the install Beisan will send you replacements at no charge. If you have performance issues or the install doesn't resolve your problem I am always ready to help. I have helped thousands of owners with these issue.

    On another note, always use OEM valve cover gaskets. I have recently checked them and BMW has switched to Viton. These new gaskets will last a very long time. All the aftermarket valve cover gaskets I'm aware of are Buna and harden and fail.
    I will write a separate post about this to let everyone know.


    • Pazi88
      • Jan 2007
      • 11140
      • Oulu

      Varmasti on osa jenkkien markkinointi huttua, mutta beisanin tiivisteet on kyllä pelannu, eikä ole tarvinnu vaihtaa toista kertaa. Että hyvin ne kyllä pelaa ja en muun merkkisiä osta vastaisuudessakaan

      Mielenkiintoista tietää että BMW:n venakopan tiivisteet on nykyään vitonia. Pitänee siis ostaa kokeeksi OEM ens kerralla :think

      Instagram, YouTube kanava
      ms41, ms42, ms43, ms45, mss50, mss52, mss54, edc15, edc17, me7.2 jne. ews poistot ja muut softailut-> priva


      • Tomba87
        BTCF Member
        • Oct 2004
        • 4029
        • Imatra

        M54B30 alavääntö kateissa. Bmw scannerilla koodit:

        104 Exhaust camshaft, vanos end position not reached, adaptation value outside tolerance
        106 Exhaust camshaft, vanos blocked or stiff

        104 koodi tuli takaisin välittömästi nollauksen jälkeen.

        Vaihdoin nokan asentoanturin, ei vaikutusta. Tiivisteet loppu?
        Luukku auki ja risut kyytiin


        • Pazi88
          • Jan 2007
          • 11140
          • Oulu

          Ketju venyny. Nokkien uudelleen ajoitus pitäs korjata tilanne.

          Instagram, YouTube kanava
          ms41, ms42, ms43, ms45, mss50, mss52, mss54, edc15, edc17, me7.2 jne. ews poistot ja muut softailut-> priva


          • MeisterW
            Bimmer Fanatic
            • Oct 2017
            • 307
            • Uusimaa

            Originally posted by Tomba87 View Post
            M54B30 alavääntö kateissa. Bmw scannerilla koodit:

            104 Exhaust camshaft, vanos end position not reached, adaptation value outside tolerance
            106 Exhaust camshaft, vanos blocked or stiff

            104 koodi tuli takaisin välittömästi nollauksen jälkeen.

            Vaihdoin nokan asentoanturin, ei vaikutusta. Tiivisteet loppu?
            Pakopuolella on jousi tuossa vanossylinterissä, eli siltä puolelta varmaan on mahdollista aiheutua tuo koodi, jos tiivisteet ihan loppu. Myös vanos solenoideja voi koittaa vaihtaa päittäin pako/imu, jos vaikka vika seurais.
            E39 M5 2002
            E70 X5 3.0sd 2008
            E83 X3 3.0i 2005
            G21 330e


            • Tomba87
              BTCF Member
              • Oct 2004
              • 4029
              • Imatra

              Vika nähtävästi korjattu. Vaihdoin öljyt. Vanhoilla oli menty jo 10tkm ja oli mittatikun alarajassa. Tein samalla huuhtelun. En sitten tiedä lähtikö sieltä joku tukos pois tuolla huuhtelulla vai johtuiko öljyn vähyydestä.
              Luukku auki ja risut kyytiin


              • Urpo_rotta
                BTCF Member
                • May 2012
                • 5272
                • Pirkkala

                Originally posted by Tomba87 View Post
                Vika nähtävästi korjattu. Vaihdoin öljyt. Vanhoilla oli menty jo 10tkm ja oli mittatikun alarajassa. Tein samalla huuhtelun. En sitten tiedä lähtikö sieltä joku tukos pois tuolla huuhtelulla vai johtuiko öljyn vähyydestä.
                Tuota nyt ei usko kelassa kukaan
                E34 540i -93 Vortech supercharger 539/647
                E34 525i -90 twinturbo 427/519

                N47 Jakopäät, f1x ilmajousihommat yms.edullisesti
                VAG TFSI mäntärempat, TSI ketjurempat
                Kysy jos tarvetta


                • Tomba87
                  BTCF Member
                  • Oct 2004
                  • 4029
                  • Imatra

                  Originally posted by Urpo_rotta View Post
                  Tuota nyt ei usko kelassa kukaan
                  Uskoo ken tahtoo mutta ainakin pikaisella testiajolla oli alaväännöt tullu takas. Ja tuossa malmikasassa sen todella huomaa.
                  Luukku auki ja risut kyytiin


                  • junkkri
                    Bimmer Fanatic
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 684
                    • Järvenpää


                    Originally posted by Urpo_rotta View Post
                    Tuota nyt ei usko kelassa kukaan
                    uskon tuohon (en ole kelasta). Forte huuhtelu korjasi kylmäkäynnistys ongelman omasta e65:sta!!


                    • Urpo_rotta
                      BTCF Member
                      • May 2012
                      • 5272
                      • Pirkkala

                      Originally posted by junkkri View Post
                      uskon tuohon (en ole kelasta). Forte huuhtelu korjasi kylmäkäynnistys ongelman omasta e65:sta!!
                      Ei ne usko kelassa kyllä tuotakaan
                      E34 540i -93 Vortech supercharger 539/647
                      E34 525i -90 twinturbo 427/519

                      N47 Jakopäät, f1x ilmajousihommat yms.edullisesti
                      VAG TFSI mäntärempat, TSI ketjurempat
                      Kysy jos tarvetta


                      • Tomba87
                        BTCF Member
                        • Oct 2004
                        • 4029
                        • Imatra

                        Noniin, olishan se ollut liian hyvää ollakseen totta. Ei toimi enää..

                        En usko kuitenkaan että tuo öljynvaihdon jälkeen hetkellinen toimiminen oli sattumaa. On se tässä jo viikon verran ollut viallisena. Eli liittyykö tuo nyt jotekin öljynpaineeseen, ketjunkiristin? Se on kyllä vaihdettu muutama vuosi sitten. Vai olisiko tuo pasin teoria viruneesta ketjusta sitten totta? :think
                        Luukku auki ja risut kyytiin


                        • Cell
                          Bimmer Enthusiast
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 7037
                          • Uusikaupunki

                          Vanoksen tiivisteiden loppuminen tosiaan aiheuttaa tuon vikakoodin, vuotoa niin paljon ettei jaksa enää kääntää jousta vasten. Voi ketjukin olla venynyt, mutta kyllä tuo vanoksen tiivistevika yleisempi on.
                          325i -08
                          i3 REx -17
                          M5 -98 Imolarot
                          535i -90 N/A project (maatumassa)

                          Ex. 318ti -97, 316ti -02, 540iAT -96, 540i -99, 328i -97, 730i -93 V8, 540iAT -99 1/3, 530DA -01, 320iT -06, 535DA -05


                          • Tomba87
                            BTCF Member
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 4029
                            • Imatra

                            Vaihdoin vanos tiivisteet, entiset oli aivan loppu. Vika ei kuitenkaan poistunut. Olisiko adaptaatioiden nollauksella mitään vaikutusta? Taidan kokeilla vielä vaimon autosta sitä pakonokan anturia kun noista tarvikeantureista ei aina tiedä.

                            Edit: kokeiltu, ei vaikutusta.
                            Last edited by Tomba87; 14-10-2019, 19:49.
                            Luukku auki ja risut kyytiin


                            • Pazi88
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 11140
                              • Oulu

                              Originally posted by Tomba87 View Post
                              Vaihdoin vanos tiivisteet, entiset oli aivan loppu. Vika ei kuitenkaan poistunut. Olisiko adaptaatioiden nollauksella mitään vaikutusta? Taidan kokeilla vielä vaimon autosta sitä pakonokan anturia kun noista tarvikeantureista ei aina tiedä.

                              Edit: kokeiltu, ei vaikutusta.
                              Et vissiin tarkistanu/korjannu ajoitusta samalla?

                              Instagram, YouTube kanava
                              ms41, ms42, ms43, ms45, mss50, mss52, mss54, edc15, edc17, me7.2 jne. ews poistot ja muut softailut-> priva


                              • Tomba87
                                BTCF Member
                                • Oct 2004
                                • 4029
                                • Imatra

                                Originally posted by Pazi88 View Post
                                Et vissiin tarkistanu/korjannu ajoitusta samalla?
                                No en.
                                Luukku auki ja risut kyytiin

