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Originally posted by Lamaro View PostEi muilla sitten kokemuksia tuosta?
Originally posted by Jasu View PostJenkit ja engelsmannit ovat noita tehneet todella paljon, joten eiköhän se täälläkin toimi. Soita myös Puukalle ja kysy mitta johon hän niitä on porauttanut.speed limits are for pussies
Originally posted by Racink View PostAlkaa käydä sylintereiden välit aika pieniksi tuolla porauksella... :think
Originally posted by Racink View PostAlkaa käydä sylintereiden välit aika pieniksi tuolla porauksella... :thinkEihän me Etelä-Pohjalaiset ihan täydellisiä olla. Meiltä puuttuu heikkoudet.
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The Basics
The 325e (eta) because of its capacity of 2,7 litres is often used as the basis for a 327i, this is however only the half truth, most eta engines are 122HP (325i 170HP)and are not suited for a high performance 2.7 build. The 325i with it’s fuel injection system, motor control, exhaust system is a basis for a performance build. The only exception to this is the rare 129HP latter eta referred to as the super eta, built from the period 1/87 to 9/87, this offers just as good base as the as a 325ï and less parts need replacing The completely arbitrary combination of any eta engine block with any 320i/323í/325ï cylinder head is not possible anyway, due to the different piston crown types only the rare 129HP eta engine works with 325ï heads correctly, but needs a 325i cam to get the best performance
Various combinations of these different engines give different results, there are seven different combinations which work and are listed below in order of performance and dealt with one at a time in later sections.
• Standard 3 series eta with 325i head
• Standard 3 series eta with 320/323i head
• Super 3 series eta with post 12/86 325i head
• Super 3 series eta with post 12/86 eta head converted to i
• Super 5 series eta with post 9/87 eta head converted to I
• 325i engine with TDA/eta crank
• 325i engine with TDA/eta crank & custom pistons
The 2.0 and 2.3 litre engines:
As the 2.0 and 2.3 engines are of limited use in a high performace m20 build the basic specs are just covered here.
320i 125HP (built 9.82 - 8.85)
Capacity 1990 ccm, stroke 66mm, bore 80mm, compression 9,8:1, 125 HP at 5800 RPM, 170 NmTourque at 4000RPM, l-Jetronic, valve sizes: 40/34. cam bearings: 7
320i 129HP (built starting from 9.85)
Capacity 1990 ccm, stroke 66mm, bore 80mm, compression 9,8:1, 129 HP at 5800 RPM, 174 Nm Tourqe at 4000 RPM, LE Jetronic, valve sizes: 40/34. Cam bearings: 7
320i 129HP (built starting from 12.86)
Capacity 1990 ccm, stroke 66mm, bore 80mm, compression 8,8:1, 129 HP at 5800 RPM, 164 Nm Tourqe at 4300 RPM, Motronic, valve sizes: 40/34. Cam bearings: 7
323í 139HP (built starting from 9.82 - 8,83)
Capacity 2316 ccm, stroke 76,8mm, bore 80mm, compression 9,8:1, 139 HP at 5300 RPM, 205 NmTourqe at 4000RPM, l-Jetronic, valve sizes: 40/34. Cam bearings: 7
323í 150HP (built starting from 9.82 - 8,83)
Capacity 2316 ccm, stroke 76,8mm, bore 80mm, compression 9,8:1, 150 HP at 6000 RPM, 205 Nm Tourque at 4000RPM, LE Jetronic, valve sizes: 40/34. Cam bearings: 7
The 2.5 litre engines:
325i 171HP (built starting from 9.85)
Capacity 2494 ccm, stroke 75mm bore 84mm, compression 9,7:1, 171 HP at 5800 RPM, 226 NmTourque at 4000 RPM, Motronic, regulated catalyst, valve sizes: 42/36. Cam bearings: 7, rasied piston tops at edges
325i 170HP (built starting from 12.86)
Capacity 2494 ccm, stroke 75mm, drilling 84mm, compression 8,8:1, 170 HP at 5800 RPM, 222 Nm Torque at 4300 RPM, Motronic, regulated catalyst, valve dsizes: 42/36. Cam bearings: 7, rasied piston tops at edges
2.7 litres of engines of ALPINA:
Alpina C2-2.7 2.86-10.87
2693ccm, stroke: 81mm, bore: 84mm, 210 HP at 5800 RPM 267 Nm Tourque at 4500 RPM, compression ratio 10.2:1, 231 km/h top speed, 0-100 7.3 s, BoschMotronic II.
Alpina C2-2,7 CAYTALIC CONVERTER 4.87-7.87
2693 ccm, stroke: 81mm, bore: 84mm, 204 HP with 6000RPM 245 Nm Tourque at 4800 RPM, compression ratio 9,8:1, top spped 227 km/h, 0-100 7,1s, BoschMotronic II.
Alpina B3 2.7 8.87-5.92
2693 ccm, stroke: 81mm, bore: 84mm, 204 HP at 6000 RPM 265 Nm Tourque at 4800 RPM compression ratio 9,8:1, top spped 231 km/h, 0-100 6,9s, Bosch Motronic M1.1 (starting from 9.89 M1.3), regulated catalyst
Alpina RLE (Z1) 8.90-9.91
2693ccm, stroke 81mm, bore: 84mm, 200HP at 6000 RPM, 261 Nm Torque at 4900 RPM, compression ratio 9,8:1, top speed 228 km/h, 0-100 7,1s, Bosch Motronic M1.3, regulated catalyst
Variant 0 (122HP 325e block with 325ï head
The 325 with 122 HP very often with 325ï heads, frequently which can be found, combined which here as variant 0 one designates however because of that disadvantages in the following specified hardly too recommend is. Due to the larger combustion chamber volume in the 325ï head sinks the compression by 8,9 with series 325e on still smaller values which rather for loaded an engine leg seems been suitable to make properly instead of a suction engine. This engine becomes naturally also drive and somewhat more thrust in the lower speed range than a 325ï have but the alleged clearly noticeable achievement gain becomes with a direct Comparison travel against a 325ï fast related and for disillusionment ensure. The reasons for it are completely simple, the multi-capacity of approximately 8% became purely theoretical a 32ï basis for instance 13HP increased output promise, this become natural in practice so not reached, there the entire sucking in and exhaust system not also at the same time "along-grow" (which too Filling losses leads) and low compression ratio in connection with one also straight does not work unfavorable combustion chamber form work promoting. The hoped for Final achievement comes thus in the slightest to the much light hoped for 204HP of a Alpina or Schnitzer of engine near, it can be spoken of luck if the final achievement at all measurably over some good 32ï is appropriate, for the torque and thereby Performance increase within the lower range however is clearly noticeable. For the increase that Compression is milled off the head, with the piston form which can be found here is often this quite possible, at that here necessary values within the millimeter range an adjustment is that Tax times and depending upon treatment also a change of the valve bags necessarily, which however usually becomes "forgotten". It gives except this also still partly by far more recommendable Combinations, these are in more detail presented in the following.
3,1 - Variant I (122 HP 325e block, 320i head)
With this variant one is the widespread 52e/32e with flat pistons those
Starting point of the Tunings. A goal can it be attained into for instance the road performances of a 32ï more one should expect in no case around later disappointments to avoid. It the standard throttling of the 32e is waived, this becomes particularly by those Cam shaft, which are enough sucking in ways and the controller caused. Around the 32e too entdrosseln, a 320i/32í cylinder head with all attachments must be blocked. This Cylinder head possesses the same combustion chamber form and valve size as the 32e which in this Range already times no problems prepares. Best one uses the most current design of the 320i with Eingebermotronic and regulated catalyst, here is then also a cam shaft with still somewhat more opening angle than available in the 32í Practically the change carries out itself as follows: From the 32e the cylinder head with all becomes Removes for attachments, thus sucking in spider, exhaust elbow union, engine wiring harness and controller. Then the 320i cylinder head with a normalthick head seal is put on and all peripheral construction units installs. The adjustment of the compression should not after possibility is forgotten, what with some highly compressed 52e blocks one however urgently emergency-end decrease!!! represents around a deadly high speed knocking to prevent, thereby values should be aimed at around 9,5, ever after which Krafstoffsorte is used is. Due to the larger stroke of the valves during overlap in the OT with the 320i caytalic converter size one should with this variant the distance of the valves to the piston head before starting of the Engine test. 2mm air are sufficiently, simply go testing through putting on of the Head with an old seal and the rotation of the piston on OT during the size up Overlap to stand must, thus EV and AV is easily opened, now can one through Low pressure of the valves examine how much "air" between valve disks and the piston is, the valve clearance needs with with this procedure to be only roughly adjusted, to 1/10 mm it does not arrive. If the danger of meeting should exist, the pistons must are done over again, i.e. valve bags to be re-milled. This circumstances are in Individual case to examine, generally succeeds the combination without such problems if to that Head is not too strongly milled off and no special size is used. The exhaust system can be first maintained. A doppelflutige plant from one 320i/32ï caytalic converter can mobilize further HP. The too expected achievement lies depending upon Change expenditure with 150-170 HP. Compared with series a 32ï might aufgund the higher Torque at low numbers of revolutions some advantages with acceleration available its. The attainable maximum speed shows then whether your approximately good final achievement obtains became. Accompanying measures, like head overhaul, Nachhohnen of the zylinderlaufbahnen and complete new storage of the engine are in the interest of a long life span recommendable. These measures are described in a later article. All in all a good solution for drivers of an older 52e/32e or also 320/32í driver, the their Cylinder head maintained want. The actual problem with this variant places only provisional suitable 320i characteristic diagram of the Motronic, suitable EPROMS also for this variant brought in characteristic diagram don't exist (or nevertheless?) and the financial expenditure of more than 1500, DM for bringing in of the complete characteristic diagram is worth only if several people together-do those the same change accomplish. As notloesung with suspicion on knocking inclination the firing angle can by shifting the pulse generator over some degrees to be corrected, this is then however effective over the entire speed range.
Variant III (325ï block with 81 mm of crankshaft, 325ï piston, 325ï head)
With the third presented variant the starting point a 32ï is all the same in principle whereby it is whether it a CAYTALIC CONVERTER model concerns or not. Into this 32ï engine becomes the crankshaft the 32e (execution all the same) or those of the 324d/td inserted. Thus it is possible for each 32ï To use engine to convert without expensive special pistons and nevertheless the quite favorable Combustion chamber form from the 325ï to maintain, equally enfaellt the search for one the rare 129HP eta caytalic converter engines, it hands the Kubelwelle and a set of piston rods. The advantages and reasons for the development of this variant, low costs, quite universal 32ï basis, are thus clear
correct final result in nearly each regard, a disadvantage to the variants 0, I and II gives it not. To KW there is to say also some, in principle is more stable forged d/td KW than the cast part from eta whether it is however absolutely necessary one d/td KW block may are doubted, gladly the weight disadvantage of the Diesel wave in the field one leads, now around it times to clarify how much it is real, one eta KW weighs 24kg, one d/td KW weighs 0,9kg 0,8kg weighs more and series a 32ï KW less than eta KW..... still questions? Far more is to be gotten here at the flywheel, a 6,3kg easy gave it in the 320i to 9/84, which is opposite 8,4kg with the 32ï flywheel also much however one does not consider on which Radius the masses are effective! By the increased stroke of 75 on 81mm piston rod stands for that on use of the 32ï Piston in the OT 3mm too highly which itself naturally not by change of the piston head to eliminate, also one leaves gladly in the field led "special head seal" probably hardly is to procure inexpensive. Around the use of the original pistons will make possible nevertheless here the 5mm shorter piston rod from eta the engine uses, equally can (identically constructed)
Piston rod from a 320/32í to be used, then the piston stands in the OT in principleonly once for instance 2mm too low which however substantially more simply be repaired can. This Shelter can be eliminated by simply milling off of the block, milling off the head is not possible at the necessary values, the combustion chamber form became much unfavorably affects. The disadvantage in principle of the larger friction losses to that Cylinder walls by those about 4% shorter piston rod becomes here regarding the saved immense costs of special pistons tolerated, finally comes "efficiency-optimized" eta with same stroke also with the short piston rods out. Further is to consider that it differently long pistons gives and that only according to ETK as "weight-optimized" designated short piston from some newer 32ï caytalic converter models without Changes fit. With the other pistons must, around a collision with that To be prevented, the piston shell shortened counter balances of the crankshaft which however no special tools required, here can be quite worked with saw and file which here with careful function no disadvantages opposite more expensively machine treatment has, one manufactures in addition simply a circulating on that Piston pin boss referred sticking template of the lower part eta of the pistons on and works the 32ï piston accordingly after. On this occasion the weight can that also equal Piston on same level to be brought. Over of a low consolidated CAYTALIC CONVERTER of engine a compression ratio when using approx.. 9,8:1 to received, 2.4 mm must be milled off by the block, if highly compressed caytalic converter loser engine the basis is then is 1,5mm to be milled off. Now the situation shifts of the Nockenwellenrades around 2,4 and/or 1,5mm downward. Thus adjust themselves because of the firm Length of the toothed belt on the course side the tax times of the cam shaft toward "late", unfortunately it is as many straight that it is evenly not possible the toothed belts around a whole tooth to shift. An adjustment is by an adjustable nockenwellenrad (expensive) or one simple change at the dowel pin possible, which is result the same. The procedure with the dowel pin becomes in the following because of constant discussions over it in principle explains. First of all otherwise normally the dowel pin sticking in the size wheel becomes removed and prepared for the seat in the size, there he precipitates quite briefly must behind that Dowel pin in the drilling of the size still another supplement as tiefenanschlag to be inserted so that the dowel pin scarcely around the strength of the Size Rades projects. This supernatant part becomes now simply more thinly or evenly the drilling in the size wheel more largely made (bore, up-file hole, sharpens etc. turns pin off.) so that the size wheel can be fastened somewhat transferred. There those Size in our case toward "early" to be adjusted does not have would lie now the dowel pin any longer in course direction in the size wheel on, the actually not straight ideal condition. Although e.g. with the M40 Engine here also only an actuated connection without dowel pin is used, if it does not seem to lose the supporting effect of the dowel pin nevertheless more surely, then should these thus better in course direction fit which in the case meant that the size wheel through Disalignment of the toothed belt a whole tooth toward "early" is adjusted and then the size up to the desired position in course direction resting against the dowel pin after "late" one adjusts. The calculation of the here necessary values can make each, which is is Basic school level and is not described therefore. Further is to still consider that in the range of the toothed belt cover small adjustments are necessary, 2,4mm are more than the tolerances of the parts nevertheless already give, likewise the passhuelsen for the head seal are to be considered, it give short those not to be worked on must and for a long time with those remachining is necessary, is further during the toothed belt tension to consider now nevertheless somewhat the more relaxed feather/spring for voltage adjustment, but actually these notes for people the along-meant are redundant. By the combination 32ï pistons with the 81mm stroke KW, of the fitting the combustion chamber, and raised compression ratio from scarcely 10:1 is optimal Vorraussetzungen for a leistungstarken engine production. A sharper cam shaft of for example I/O 272/272 degree or better still I/O 284/272 degree provides for a better filling with higher Numbers of revolutions and at all only achievements those makes the 200HP for border possible close comes. Fan elbow unions and worked on valves and channels are further recommendable To come to meet measures around the magic 200HP border. Who itself still one Metallcaytalic converter (z.B. of Unifit) goennen want that can also there still something take out. Of course also the characteristic diagram of the Motronic may not be forgotten, here should one appropriate EPROM procures oneself, it gives some suitable characteristic diagrams depending upon assigned size etc.. The characteristic diagram of the Alpina seems very good after own experiences To fit B3-2,7caytalic converter with 284/272 degree a Schrick size and 9.8 compression.
Variant IV (325 block with 81 mm of crankshaft, special piston, 32ï head)
Milling off the engine mount and the use of the somewhat shorter piston rods like now for some well betuchte people not necessarily the most elegant kind its the M20 to 2,7 litres to convert. One knows by particularly made pistons in combination with the 32ï Series piston rods achieve an optimal compression ratio without the block or the head to mill off. Thus becomes also without the problem? the tax times which can be corrected gone around. A view to professional tunern shows that this probably the technically best Construction represents. As special piston one could for example on makes fall back, which let Alpina produce at the company Mahle, who however these pistons to use would like soltte itself in the clear over it to be that then also a Alpina fair Treatment of the combustion chambers in hemisphere is necessary. A view at the expense shows fast those well DM costs financial disadvantages of this solution, because a set of pistons over 2000,
Such a change could run off as follows:
The 32ï engine is developed and divided completely. The Diesel or eta crankshaft becomes together with that Series piston rod and the special piston in the block install. The bushes are comparatively cheap and in any case should again be bought. The cylinder head is dismantled, the channels conical to chamber extends and all transitions adapted. The combustion chambers become suitable!!! to (Alpina) Piston halfspherically prepared and exactly ausgelitert, at the valve guides can above all inlet-laterally also something material to be removed. The valves are polished and the valve seats again ground in. Possible also the use of Schrick valves, those beside the improved form, is also still a few Marks than the original BMWS valves are cheaper (60 opposite 80 DM per piece). The originals 260 degrees of cam shaft of the caytalic converter model is with this variant with security wrongly at the place, it is absolute to use necessarily a special size with more opening angles and ventilhub. The series cam is not the worst however around the achievement of more than 200HP, aimed at with a such expenditure to reach completely unsuitable. Possible sharper cam shaft should an opening angle within the range of 272 to 284 degrees possess. Larger opening angles decrease the filling at lower numbers of revolutions and are meaningful only for sport employments with more highly final achievement. The use of the expensive is disputed Single throttle plant of dbilas, the advantage of the slightly higher final achievement and by the here possible Usefulness of clearly sharper cam shafts faces an unfavorable torque process, for Sport employment surely an alternative however for a normal Strassentuning less meaningfully. A fan elbow union in combination with metal catalysts should not be missing with this expensive variant anyway. The Motronic should by a special chip changed conditions best individually on the test stand are adapted. In this combination realistic values are over 200 HP and 260 Nm. All in all more passage-strongly, engine with high engine speed with properly achievement.
Johan oli tekstiäMut toivottavasti hyödyllistä sellaista.
mitenkäs noi männän renkaat, eli mistä saisi uudet öljy renkaat etan mäntii? b25sen renkaista sopii muut mutta tuo öljyrengas jonkin verran liika "kapea". Oli pieni yllätys kun ruopesin laittamaan männänrenkaita, kun tietenkin oletin että samat menisi.Last edited by Jarpeli; 12-03-2008, 23:28.
Originally posted by Jarspi View Postmitenkäs noi männän renkaat, eli mistä saisi uudet öljy renkaat etan mäntii? b25sen renkaista sopii muut mutta tuo öljyrengas jonkin verran liika "kapea". Oli pieni yllätys kun ruopesin laittamaan männänrenkaita, kun tietenkin oletin että samat menisi.Originally posted by ZoMbiE View PostJoko marmoritiskiltä ,tai sitten teet saman muutoksen kuin itse tein omaani. Projektissa on juttua enemmän, mutta M10:n renkaat siellä mulla on, joutui mäntää hieman muokkaamaan...Mystinen.Fi @ FB
IG @tarmohanninen
Käyttöautot: E61 530xd lci, E92 330xd
Harrasteet:E30 M3, E24 636csi, 2xE34 M5, E36 M3 N54, E30 M50 Cabrio, E46 330ci V8, E30 3xx, E32 735, E34 525i mtech
Ex. E28 530 2JZ Haimobiili, E30 M50tt, E30 S54 TIC, E46 330TIC yms.