Mitähän nämä vikakoodit taas meinaa?
Potilaana on e61 530da
Eka taitaa olla selvä tapaus eli hiukkaskiihdytin tukossa?
Date: 04.10.2014 18:05:19 ECU: D50M57E0 JobStatus: OKAY Variant: D50M57E0
RESULT: 2 error in error memory !
480A 480A particle filter system
Error counter: 1 Logistic counter: 39
Mileage 220720 km Engine speed 1820.44 1/min coolant temperature 92.29 °C ash mass in particle filter 10.99 g Injection quantity 9.06 mg/Hub Air mass per cylinder 472.62 mg/Hub soot mass in particle filter 4.00 g exhaust volume flow in particle filter 309.29 m^3/h Difference pressure over particle filter 108.31 mbar Abgasgegendruck vor Particle filter 1132.30 mbar Environment pressure 1004.30 mbar
Partikelfilter stark beladen (Abgasgegendruck ueber CRT-Schwelle) Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not occurred yet Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase
Error code: 48 0A 11 02 00 00 01 27 6B C6 42 8E 0B 17 4B 04 25 0B 73 66
4667 4667 particle filter system
Error counter: 1 Logistic counter: 39
Mileage 220720 km Engine speed 1820.44 1/min coolant temperature 92.29 °C Rail pressure Actual 417.49 bar Injection quantity 16.15 mg/Hub Air mass per cylinder 516.73 mg/Hub Charge pressure Actualwert 1073.23 mbar Difference pressure over particle filter 108.31 mbar soot mass in particle filter 4.00 g ash mass in particle filter 10.99 g Environment pressure 1014.15 mbar
zu haeufige Regenerationen Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not occurred yet Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase
Error code: 46 67 14 02 00 00 01 27 6B C6 42 8E 35 29 52 6D 0B 04 0B 67
DPF:n koodit olen nollannut muutaman kerran ja ajanut pitemmän lenkin että poltto varmasti onnistuisi mutta taitaa olla jo niin tukossa että ei auta. Lämmöt ok ja hehkut kunnossa eli ainakin pitäisi poltto onnistua.
Tämä toinen on sitten vähän mystisempi. :think
Koodit on aktiiviohjuksesta.
Date: 04.10.2014 18:09:38 ECU: AFS_60 JobStatus: OKAY Variant: AFS_60
RESULT: 3 error in error memory !
6142 ECO-Valve im SGM
Error counter: 90 Logistic counter: 0
Mileage 220616 km ZFLS Error code 39.00 -- ZFLS Error type 0.00 -- Vehicle speed 46.00 km/h Lateral acceleration 0.00 m/(s*s) Yawing rate -0.01 rad/s Total steering angle 0.00 degrees Driver steering angle 0.00 degrees Supply voltage 14.12 Volt Engine torque 0.00 ? Various SG statuses 228.00 digital Engine temperature 25.00 degrees Celsius End stage temperature 19.00 degrees Celsius Shut-down the active steering bit 0 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the yawing rate control up to terminal change bit 1 0.00 0/1 Substitute value engine speed for ECO functionality bit 2 0.00 0/1 Slow reset of the steering angle after shut-down bit 3 0.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 4 1.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 5 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the active steering after 100 sec bit 6 0.00 0/1 Speed-independent steering ratio bit 7 0.00 0/1 Direction-independent steering ratio bit 8 0.00 0/1 Substitute value yawing rate for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 9 0.00 0/1 Substitute value lateral acceleration for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 10 0.00 0/1 Substitute value steering angle speed for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 11 0.00 0/1 Error in the driver steering angle or the engine position angle bit 12 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for total steering angle bit 13 0.00 0/1 Error in the total steering angle or the engine position angle bit 14 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for the driver steering angle bit 15 0.00 0/1 without Meaning 0.00 1
No matching error symptom Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error present now and already stored Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up General Error
Error code: 61 42 70 00 5A 00 6B B9 27 00 17 00 FF 00 00 B4 00 E4 5F 59 00 10 00 00
CE9E Message (Engine torque 3, ID=0AA) from DME PT-CAN
Error counter: 1 Logistic counter: 0
Mileage 221312 km ZFLS Error code 59.00 -- ZFLS Error type 77.00 -- Vehicle speed 52.00 km/h Lateral acceleration 0.00 m/(s*s)
Yawing rate 0.00 rad/s Total steering angle 0.00 degrees Driver steering angle 0.00 degrees Supply voltage 13.80 Volt Engine torque 0.00 ? Various SG statuses 228.00 digital Engine temperature 37.00 degrees Celsius End stage temperature 28.00 degrees Celsius Shut-down the active steering bit 0 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the yawing rate control up to terminal change bit 1 0.00 0/1 Substitute value engine speed for ECO functionality bit 2 1.00 0/1 Slow reset of the steering angle after shut-down bit 3 0.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 4 1.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 5 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the active steering after 100 sec bit 6 0.00 0/1 Speed-independent steering ratio bit 7 0.00 0/1 Direction-independent steering ratio bit 8 0.00 0/1 Substitute value yawing rate for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 9 0.00 0/1 Substitute value lateral acceleration for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 10 0.00 0/1 Substitute value steering angle speed for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 11 0.00 0/1 Error in the driver steering angle or the engine position angle bit 12 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for total steering angle bit 13 0.00 0/1 Error in the total steering angle or the engine position angle bit 14 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for the driver steering angle bit 15 0.00 0/1 without Meaning 0.00 1
No signal or value Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not present now, but already stored Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up General Error
Error code: CE 9E 34 00 01 00 6C 10 3B 4D 1A 00 00 00 00 B0 00 E4 6B 62 00 14 00 00
CEA0 Message (Status Power steering, ID=0E0) from SGM PT-CAN
Error counter: 21 Logistic counter: 0
Mileage 220808 km ZFLS Error code 61.00 -- ZFLS Error type 77.00 -- Vehicle speed 0.00 km/h Lateral acceleration 0.00 m/(s*s) Yawing rate 0.00 rad/s Total steering angle -12.00 degrees Driver steering angle 0.00 degrees Supply voltage 14.12 Volt Engine torque 0.00 ? Various SG statuses 228.00 digital Engine temperature 42.00 degrees Celsius End stage temperature 37.00 degrees Celsius Shut-down the active steering bit 0 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the yawing rate control up to terminal change bit 1 0.00 0/1 Substitute value engine speed for ECO functionality bit 2 0.00 0/1 Slow reset of the steering angle after shut-down bit 3 0.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 4 1.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 5 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the active steering after 100 sec bit 6 0.00 0/1 Speed-independent steering ratio bit 7 0.00 0/1 Direction-independent steering ratio bit 8 0.00 0/1 Substitute value yawing rate for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 9 0.00 0/1 Substitute value lateral acceleration for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 10 0.00 0/1 Substitute value steering angle speed for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 11 0.00 0/1 Error in the driver steering angle or the engine position angle bit 12 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for total steering angle bit 13 0.00 0/1
Error in the total steering angle or the engine position angle bit 14 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for the driver steering angle bit 15 0.00 0/1 without Meaning 0.00 1
No signal or value Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not present now, but already stored Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up General Error
Error code: CE A0 34 00 15 00 6B D1 3D 4D 00 00 00 FF 00 B4 00 E4 70 6B 00 10 00 00
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Ohjauksessa en ole huomannut ajossa mitään erikoista.
Potilaana on e61 530da
Eka taitaa olla selvä tapaus eli hiukkaskiihdytin tukossa?
Date: 04.10.2014 18:05:19 ECU: D50M57E0 JobStatus: OKAY Variant: D50M57E0
RESULT: 2 error in error memory !
480A 480A particle filter system
Error counter: 1 Logistic counter: 39
Mileage 220720 km Engine speed 1820.44 1/min coolant temperature 92.29 °C ash mass in particle filter 10.99 g Injection quantity 9.06 mg/Hub Air mass per cylinder 472.62 mg/Hub soot mass in particle filter 4.00 g exhaust volume flow in particle filter 309.29 m^3/h Difference pressure over particle filter 108.31 mbar Abgasgegendruck vor Particle filter 1132.30 mbar Environment pressure 1004.30 mbar
Partikelfilter stark beladen (Abgasgegendruck ueber CRT-Schwelle) Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not occurred yet Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase
Error code: 48 0A 11 02 00 00 01 27 6B C6 42 8E 0B 17 4B 04 25 0B 73 66
4667 4667 particle filter system
Error counter: 1 Logistic counter: 39
Mileage 220720 km Engine speed 1820.44 1/min coolant temperature 92.29 °C Rail pressure Actual 417.49 bar Injection quantity 16.15 mg/Hub Air mass per cylinder 516.73 mg/Hub Charge pressure Actualwert 1073.23 mbar Difference pressure over particle filter 108.31 mbar soot mass in particle filter 4.00 g ash mass in particle filter 10.99 g Environment pressure 1014.15 mbar
zu haeufige Regenerationen Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not occurred yet Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase Fehler in Entprellphase
Error code: 46 67 14 02 00 00 01 27 6B C6 42 8E 35 29 52 6D 0B 04 0B 67
DPF:n koodit olen nollannut muutaman kerran ja ajanut pitemmän lenkin että poltto varmasti onnistuisi mutta taitaa olla jo niin tukossa että ei auta. Lämmöt ok ja hehkut kunnossa eli ainakin pitäisi poltto onnistua.
Tämä toinen on sitten vähän mystisempi. :think
Koodit on aktiiviohjuksesta.
Date: 04.10.2014 18:09:38 ECU: AFS_60 JobStatus: OKAY Variant: AFS_60
RESULT: 3 error in error memory !
6142 ECO-Valve im SGM
Error counter: 90 Logistic counter: 0
Mileage 220616 km ZFLS Error code 39.00 -- ZFLS Error type 0.00 -- Vehicle speed 46.00 km/h Lateral acceleration 0.00 m/(s*s) Yawing rate -0.01 rad/s Total steering angle 0.00 degrees Driver steering angle 0.00 degrees Supply voltage 14.12 Volt Engine torque 0.00 ? Various SG statuses 228.00 digital Engine temperature 25.00 degrees Celsius End stage temperature 19.00 degrees Celsius Shut-down the active steering bit 0 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the yawing rate control up to terminal change bit 1 0.00 0/1 Substitute value engine speed for ECO functionality bit 2 0.00 0/1 Slow reset of the steering angle after shut-down bit 3 0.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 4 1.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 5 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the active steering after 100 sec bit 6 0.00 0/1 Speed-independent steering ratio bit 7 0.00 0/1 Direction-independent steering ratio bit 8 0.00 0/1 Substitute value yawing rate for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 9 0.00 0/1 Substitute value lateral acceleration for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 10 0.00 0/1 Substitute value steering angle speed for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 11 0.00 0/1 Error in the driver steering angle or the engine position angle bit 12 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for total steering angle bit 13 0.00 0/1 Error in the total steering angle or the engine position angle bit 14 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for the driver steering angle bit 15 0.00 0/1 without Meaning 0.00 1
No matching error symptom Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error present now and already stored Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up General Error
Error code: 61 42 70 00 5A 00 6B B9 27 00 17 00 FF 00 00 B4 00 E4 5F 59 00 10 00 00
CE9E Message (Engine torque 3, ID=0AA) from DME PT-CAN
Error counter: 1 Logistic counter: 0
Mileage 221312 km ZFLS Error code 59.00 -- ZFLS Error type 77.00 -- Vehicle speed 52.00 km/h Lateral acceleration 0.00 m/(s*s)
Yawing rate 0.00 rad/s Total steering angle 0.00 degrees Driver steering angle 0.00 degrees Supply voltage 13.80 Volt Engine torque 0.00 ? Various SG statuses 228.00 digital Engine temperature 37.00 degrees Celsius End stage temperature 28.00 degrees Celsius Shut-down the active steering bit 0 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the yawing rate control up to terminal change bit 1 0.00 0/1 Substitute value engine speed for ECO functionality bit 2 1.00 0/1 Slow reset of the steering angle after shut-down bit 3 0.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 4 1.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 5 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the active steering after 100 sec bit 6 0.00 0/1 Speed-independent steering ratio bit 7 0.00 0/1 Direction-independent steering ratio bit 8 0.00 0/1 Substitute value yawing rate for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 9 0.00 0/1 Substitute value lateral acceleration for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 10 0.00 0/1 Substitute value steering angle speed for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 11 0.00 0/1 Error in the driver steering angle or the engine position angle bit 12 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for total steering angle bit 13 0.00 0/1 Error in the total steering angle or the engine position angle bit 14 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for the driver steering angle bit 15 0.00 0/1 without Meaning 0.00 1
No signal or value Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not present now, but already stored Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up General Error
Error code: CE 9E 34 00 01 00 6C 10 3B 4D 1A 00 00 00 00 B0 00 E4 6B 62 00 14 00 00
CEA0 Message (Status Power steering, ID=0E0) from SGM PT-CAN
Error counter: 21 Logistic counter: 0
Mileage 220808 km ZFLS Error code 61.00 -- ZFLS Error type 77.00 -- Vehicle speed 0.00 km/h Lateral acceleration 0.00 m/(s*s) Yawing rate 0.00 rad/s Total steering angle -12.00 degrees Driver steering angle 0.00 degrees Supply voltage 14.12 Volt Engine torque 0.00 ? Various SG statuses 228.00 digital Engine temperature 42.00 degrees Celsius End stage temperature 37.00 degrees Celsius Shut-down the active steering bit 0 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the yawing rate control up to terminal change bit 1 0.00 0/1 Substitute value engine speed for ECO functionality bit 2 0.00 0/1 Slow reset of the steering angle after shut-down bit 3 0.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 4 1.00 0/1 Temporary shut-down of the yawing rate control bit 5 0.00 0/1 Shut-down the active steering after 100 sec bit 6 0.00 0/1 Speed-independent steering ratio bit 7 0.00 0/1 Direction-independent steering ratio bit 8 0.00 0/1 Substitute value yawing rate for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 9 0.00 0/1 Substitute value lateral acceleration for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 10 0.00 0/1 Substitute value steering angle speed for Servotronic, DME functionality bit 11 0.00 0/1 Error in the driver steering angle or the engine position angle bit 12 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for total steering angle bit 13 0.00 0/1
Error in the total steering angle or the engine position angle bit 14 0.00 0/1 Const. Substitute value for the driver steering angle bit 15 0.00 0/1 without Meaning 0.00 1
No signal or value Test conditions not yet fulfilled Error not present now, but already stored Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up General Error
Error code: CE A0 34 00 15 00 6B D1 3D 4D 00 00 00 FF 00 B4 00 E4 70 6B 00 10 00 00
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Ohjauksessa en ole huomannut ajossa mitään erikoista.